Anna Häkansdotter Örhman
Nathanael Löfgren
Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter
Per Erik Löfgren


Family Links

1. Sara Catherina Andersdotter

Per Erik Löfgren

  • Born: 22 Apr 1835, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 4941,4942
  • Baptized: 21 Jun 1835, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 4943
  • Marriage (1): Sara Catherina Andersdotter on 8 Apr 1871 in Siksjönäs, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden 4940
  • Died: 28 Jul 1918, Siksjönäs, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden at age 83 4942,4944,4945,4946

bullet  Research Notes:

1. a. Birth; 22 Apr 1835; Stensele, Västerbotten ;; Husförhör and Död record birth as 29 Apr 1835 ???

- Per Erik;
- father Nathanel Lofgren in/from Grannas [ Grannäs is a place name in Stensele parish (Storuman is a main town in the parish and the location of parish church) - familysearch; using Google and Bing maps - Grannäs locality or farm is about 50 kms north and a bit west of Stensele, on or near the lake Västra Jippmokksjön and this lake is a bit north of Ytttre Jippmokksjön (lakes are named on Bing maps, but not google); Västra means West; Yttre means outward or external ;; using Bing maps, Sikjönäs and Nästanjös, are in same font printing - these areas are essentially known as a rural farming community, often near a lake ]

- mother Maja ... [ ?] Jacobsdr [ Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter ]
- there are witnesses recorded, but difficult to read handwriting

[ 30 July 2015 ]

b. NOTE: in the first column under the day the word "nöddops" is written. "Nöddops" means a 'private' baptism' and sometimes translated as 'emergency baptism'. In a general google search, I came across an article written about pastoral care for the Sami in northern Lappland coastal area and closer to the Finland. However, the author wrote, "Another problem was that parents could not have their new-born babies baptized by the pastor in time (within 8 days, [in 1864 the period was extended to six weeks]). For this reason the church had to find 'new' forms of infant baptism. In the early 1700s, the parishioners were therefore informed of the possibility of nöddop (private baptism). The parents were recommended to ask a 'well-read' villager to perform the nöddop, but with the clear instruction to use nöddop only when absolutely necessary."[page 25] ... and further, "...when it was impossible for the parents to take their infants to the church to have them christened there within the stipulated 8 days after birth, infant-baptism became the duty of a layman."[page 26] .. and further, " ... The Swedish concept of nöddop is a compound statement. In this context 'nöd' can be translated as 'emergency' or 'in case of urgent necessity' i.e. the risk that the infant might die. Dop is translated as baptism. Thus Nöddop expresses the situation when the new-born infant is so weak that the parents cannot wait for a pastor to come and baptize it. However, nöddop came to be used for quite different reasons in Lapland.

The baptism custom which developed was a direct result of the fact that long and trouble-some journeys prevented the parents from bringing the infant to the'church-village' to be baptized by the pastor. Instead, the infants were baptized at home according to a form of nöddop, when it was enough to say the Lord's Prayer and then baptize, with pure water, in the threefold name. The child was then brought to the pastor to confirm the baptism, but not before outer conditions allowed."

Sölve Anderzén
Umeå University - Sweden
Version in PDF-format without pictures, October 1997;

above accessed and copied by Rueben D Grue, 30 Jul 2015

The above doesn't completely fit for the Stensele parish but it likely applicable. The Stensele, Lycksele and Vilhelmina areas are not strickly Lappland areas, but are still considered as part of traditional southern Lappland and fall within the Lappland Province in Sweden. In reviewing a number of pages in the Sweden Church Records, the word "nöddops" (or abbrievation, "ndp.conf.") is recorded a number of times). In Per Erik birth record, "nöddops" is clearly written. Thus, Per Erik had a "private baptism" - the record does not record the name of the person who did the baptism, but possibly one of the witnesses. In the above article it mentions that researchers take note of the number of days of birth and the "confirmed" baptism. In Per Erik's case, he was born on the 22 of April but the confirmed baptism was on the 21 Jun, almost two months.

Thus, Per Erik may have been sick/ill as a newborn and thus the delay. OR the delay could be due to the distance to travel to the church at Stensele parish (in Storuman; current church built in 1886, for 167 people) and the "road" conditions to travel in April, that is, early spring.

c. Someplace, maybe Mom's brown binder [ source citiation; Mary E Grue (nee Lofgren) Family History Binder - Lofgren, Naslund, Skaret, Grue, likely written fall 1981 ]

- a note saying that Per Erik was an orphan: BUT, on 5 Aug 2015 I can't find where this was written.
AND -- this is NOT Correct

2. Household Records [Husförhör]

1834-1839; 1840-1841 - with his parents in Stensele parish (see Nathanael's records)
1853-1863; for Stensele, Nathanael - Per Erik is recorded as leaving for Vilhelmina in 1853
1847-1856; for Vilhelmina, page 307 Per Erik at Bäckstrand och Berglund (Nästansjön), recorded as coming from Stensele in 1853 going to page 273, and recorded on page 307 for the year 1855 (likely here from about 1853-1855); on page 273, at Nästansjö, recorded for year 1855 going to page 274, another farm at Nästansjö [same place at Per Magnus Fredricksson - some children adopted the surname, "Björkman", and coming from page 307, at page 274 no years recorded ;
1856-1866; at page 122 Nästansjö for years 1857-1858 and then to page 125 at Nästansjö for the years 1859-1861
1867-1876 (AIA:8A) - Lösa Drångar [ loose worker ?; on his own as a worker, not attached to a farm \\?, Vilhelmina parish; Per Erik Löfgren is recorded as a worker for the years recorded 1867-1870), then to page 145, Siksonjäs on 2 Oct 1870; On the last column is the reference, "145-2; 70 2/10"
1867-1876 (AIa:8b), page 145; he moved to farm on Siksjonäs [Anders Andersson] on 2 Oct 1870. Last line on page 145, "dr" Per Erik Lögren came 2 Oct 1870, with reference to page 260; and reference to page 146 (2 or vol 'b'), 1876

1871-1876 page 145 - at Siksjönäs ; NOTE: there are two records for Pehr Erik in Vilhelmina: AIA: 8A and 8B

Per Erik Löfgren, born 29 Apr 1835; married 12 Apr 1871
wife, Sara Catharina Andersdotter, born 5 Oct 1842
barn: Nils Olaus Petter, born 9 Jan 1870 (above his name is: "hennes ? [her] ... before ? äktenskapet" [ his birth record does not record father, and indicates "illeligimate"]
barn: Anders Albert, born 20 May 1872
barn: Jonas August, born 13 May 1875

1877-1886 page 246 - same as above, with added:

Nils Olaus Petter (above his name is, deras or der... före äktenskapet -- theirs before marriage ??
Johan Nathanael, born 17 Jul 1877
Gustav Erik, born 26 May 1882
Katarina, born 6 Apr 1885

1886-1896 10b, page 599 - same as above

NOTE: there is almost a 5 year gap between the birth of Johan Nathanael (1877) and Gustav Erik (1882). On 3 Aug 2015 I viewed births from about Feb 1878 to Nov 1881, but no other births recorded

1896-1919, AIIa:3, page 958 Siksjonäs ;;; image 185 Ancestry

Per Erik died 1918; wife Sara Katarina Andersdotter (then reference to page 1335, next volume, AIIa:8, 1919-1929)
Nils Olaus - married 13 Jul 1902
Anders Albert - from North America, 1 Oct 1912; left for North America, 14 Jun 1909 -- same date as Johan Nathanel and his family.
Johan Nathanel to page 243 on 17 Mar 1898
Gustav Erik references page 139, 70/1903 but not there [ maybe military service ?]; also notes leaving the parish 28 Aug 1911 to Sundvalls parish, Västernorrlands ---- see his research notes ....

== ++++ only has scan images for this record (AIIa:3), BUT click page (to the right) - Jonas and Anna, image 198 (p 971 Arkiv .... before that, Jonas p 976 along with Johan who then to 807 Nas ...., Jonas prior to 976 at 958 with Per Erik
- Anna to page 817 (image 44) - Johan Nikolaus Näslund

3. Census

1890 Swedish Census [ search; Vilhelmina; Per; Sikjönäs, Västerbotten ]

- Per Erik Löfgren, born 1835, farmer [bonde]
- Sara Katherina Andersdotter, born 1842; wife
- Nils Olaus Petter, born 1870, son
- Anders Albert, born 1872, son
- Jonas August, born 1875, son
- Johan Nathanael, born 1877, son
- Gustav Erik, born 1882, son
- Katarina Maria, born 1885, daughter

- also listed is Katarina Agata Fredricka Danielsr, born 1869, maid [ piga ]

3. a. Death; 1918; Sweden Church Records

- Per Erik Löfgren from/in Siksjönäs; but birth date is recorded as 29 Apr 1835
-after his name there is written a word, but I can't make it out - looks like Födas ... , but "born again" doesn't make sense; Fåd .... comes up with nothing ; regarding another person on the first line of this image, the word looks similiar to the Norwegian word that "førderåd" meaning receiving support, like a pension, from the new owners of the farm, usually the oldest son --- this would make sense;

b. According to: Source record: Per Erik Löfgren Family Tree Sheets, Jul-Aug 1980; repository - Grue Family Records and Papers, 1915-

- Per Erik (age 83) and son Gustav (age 36) died as a result of the Spanish Flu

4. Public Member Trees [ 28 Jul 2015 ]

- there are a number of trees with "search, Jonas August Lofgren, born 1875, Sweden" and ancestors, but as with most member Trees, there are very few source citiations.

the first two, provide some detail, but little in terms of source citiations:

- 'Vilhelmina Family Tree owner sweden1999' with last sign in 9 May 2016;;; has information but few sources --- relationship likely through John Lofgren since it includes Dagny ;;; Nothing on Nathanael ;;; Jonas link, ---- ,
- 'Kullman-Hughes - släktträd owner piggylee' with last sign in 4 Oct 2015;; -- appears to have some relation with Nils Olaus Lofgren son, Nils Henry Löfgren family; other children of Per Erik are only listed but no detail; Nothing on Nathanael;; Jonas link --- ,

- Gustavvson Släkttråd Tolkat från Einars forskining 40141, owner sivar_gutavsson from Stockholm, last login in 15 Oct 2015;; possible relationship through Nils Olaus Petter ; Nothing on Nathanael;; Jonas -- link,

- Ann-Kisten Svennson Family Tree owner annkis55, with last login on 4 Aug 2015; only records name of child Nils Olaus, but has information on Sara Katarina Andersdotter's parents and, back to Anders Jonsson, born 1783
Per Erik's link. ----

These trees are either incorrect, wrong, or no information
- one tree 'nelssol family tree owner pnelson8' with last sign in on 12 Oct 2013; has Per Erik Lofgren and Sara Catherina Andersdotter - BUT then has her parents emigrating and settling in Dane Co, WI
++ thus this is completely the wrong family
- one tree, 'Stephen Westberg Family Tree' is no longer active and can't be accessed
- one tree, 'Ronnie/Olson/Skog/Chappel owner bruceshabluk' with last sign in 14 Oct 2013 --- I had contacted him 4-5 yrs ago - there is no family relationship other than a marriage of an Olson in the Armena area --- it appears that he is including people in his tree that have only a marriage connection in the Armena/Hay Lakes area
- one tree, 'myfamilytree owner bonniewolfe809' with last sign in in 2012 -- only lists grandpa and grandma Jonas but has grandma's death as 1950 ;; this person has a tree on the "Grue" side of the family, but it is not sourced
- 'Kristofferson-Sikstrom Family Tree owner bonnie14382'; last sign in Sep 2013 - only lists Jonas and Anna, Iver and Mary --- likely no relationship

these 2 trees, no longer active [ 4 Aug 2015 ]
- 'Anfäder Family Tree owner HansArvid' with last sign in Sept 2013 ;; possible relation through Nils Olaus Lofgren; includes some on John Lofgren - Dagny and Erik born in Sweden; Katerina Maria Lofgren died 28 Dec 1909 ;;; +++ also has names etc of Sara Katherina Andersdr ancestors, back to 1670
- 'Mikael Jonasson Family Tree owner MikaelJonasson' with last sign in Sep 2013 ;;; information is similiar to "Anfäder ... " (see above)

5. general: ; search Jonas August Lofgren ; managed by: Lars Anderson, Lars Bloomström, Alexander Lindquist

- information on Per Erik Löfgren family, but can't access Nathanel Löfgren without requesting permission
- records Ivar and mom's name, and now connected

; managed by Lars and Karin Bloomström with information added 4 Apr 2009
- added the father for Per Erik Löfgren as Nathanel Löfgren born about 1801; he was married to Maria Katarina Jacobsdatter. Nathanel's father as "NN fader okänd" ???? - father unknown; his mother was Anna Katarina Håkansson Öhrman. Records Nathanel's children as : Per Erik; Anna Katarina; Eva Johanna; Maria Sofia; Margareta Kristina; no informaiton on the siblings 4942,4947,4948,4949,4950


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

1. Residence - 1853-1856, 1853-1856, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden. 4951 Per Erik recorded in Vilhelmina Parish, first on page 307 at the farm Bäckstrand och Berglund (Nästansjön), recorded as coming from Stensele in 1853 going to page 273, and recorded on page 307 for the year 1855 (likely here from about 1853-1855). On page 273, he is recorded at a farm in Nästansjö, recorded for year 1855 and going another farm at Nästansjö on page 274. On page 273 he is recorded as coming from page 307. On page 274 no years are noted.

2. Residence, 1857-1866, 1857-1866, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden. 4952 Farm/locality: Nästansjö. Per Erik was at two different farms at Nästansjö, one on page 122 for the years 1857-1858 and then at page 125 for the years 1859-1861.

3. Residence, 1867-1870, 1867-1870, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden. 4953 Farm/Locality: Läsa drängar; Per Erik Löfgren is recorded as a worker for the years 1867-1870. On the last column is the reference, "145-2; 70 2/10"; this likely means that he moved from this farm to another on 2 Oct 1870

4. Residence, 1871-1876, 1871-1876, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden. 4954 Farm/locality: Siksjönäs. Per Erik Lögren household recorded in Husförhör, 1871-1876.

5. Residence, 1877-1886, 1877-1886, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden. 4955 Farm/locality, Siksjönäs

6. Residence, 1886-1895, 1886-1896, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden. 4956 Farm/locality: Siksjönäs. This records references page 188 for Jonas August Löfgren. Reviewing page 188 for the farm Granberg, Jonas August was recorded as Drång coming to the farm in 1894 from Siksjönas. On page 188 there is a further reference to "179, 73/1896" in the column for special notes. I believe this refers to military service, but I'm not certain.

7. Residence, 1896-1918, 1896-1918, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden. 4957 Farm/locality: Siksjönäs. Jonas August is recorded at his parents place (page 958). He then is recorded moving to another farm/place at Siksjönäs in 1902 (page 971) and then in 1909 moving to another farm/place at Siksjönäs in 1909 (page 971). On this rocord (page 971) he is recorded as married to Anna Margreta Näslund on 1 Apr 1912 and on the same day, leaving for North America.


Per married Sara Catherina Andersdotter, daughter of Anders Andersson and Helena Eva Eriksdotter, on 8 Apr 1871 in Siksjönäs, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden.4940 (Sara Catherina Andersdotter was born on 5 Oct 1842 in Siksjönäs, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden 4958, baptized on 16 Oct 1842 in Siksjönäs, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden 4958 and died on 20 Nov 1936 in Siksjönäs, Vilhelmina, Västerbotten Län, Sweden 4959.)

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