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Häkan Häkansson Öhrman
Sophia Samuelsdotter
Anna Häkansdotter Örhman
Nathanael Löfgren


Family Links

1. Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter

Nathanael Löfgren

  • Born: 15 Apr 1801, Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5463
  • Baptized: 18 Apr 1801, Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5464
  • Marriage (1): Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter on 9 Apr 1833 in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5462
  • Died: 11 Sep 1883, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden at age 82 5465
  • Buried: 30 Sep 1883, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5465

bullet  Research Notes:

1. a. Church records, 15 Apr 1801
[Arkivdigitdal index records father as Häkan, but if you look closely at the birth records for Lycksele:

Lycksele (AC) C:2 (1778-1813) Page 108, 2nd side first entry

-- above Nathanael's name is likely "oäkta" sonnen
- however, But likely "modren", meaning "mother", so:
mother Anna Häkan's Ormansdotter Örträsk;
- witnesses: Pehr ...? Örman and wife Eva Samuelsdotter from Örträsk, Maria Johnansdotter from Wägsele; Samuel Örman ....?, Margreta Orman
- although after modren is "Häkan" and then it appears to be a line or arrow before Ormansdotter; thus Häkan Ormans dotter
NOTE: Arkivdigital index ("Birth index, parts of Sweden" collection) transcribes "Hakan" as the father and
mother as "Anna Ormansdotter"; BUT this is awkwardly written in the birth/baptism record,
Anna Häkan's Ormansdotter, but there is a line from the name Häkan and to be inserted between "Anna"
and Ormansdotter. likely the way it should read is: " Anna, Häkan Orman's dotter"

b. Birth 1801 (note: the following is the same as the information recorded on the 'notes' of the event, birth)

Nathanael was likely born at the locality of Örträsk, about 60 kms south of Lycksele. His mother was Anna (Håkånsdotter) Öhrman. His father is unknown. One record (family sheet from Jim and Roger Lofgren in Jul 2015) records that Nathanael's father was a "Rysk Officer" [Russian Officer]; however, this is not proven. Family stories have suggested that Nathanael's ancestors came from Finland. See research pages going back to Häkan and Erik Eriksson. Much of what we know as the current country of Finland was a part of the Kingdom of Sweden until 1809 when it was ceded to the Russian empire, but excluded the "Finnish speaking areas of northern Sweden" (wikipedia).

Nathanael was most likely born outside of marriage - oäkta. In the birth record, above his name is written "oäkta" (although very difficult to read) sonnen. In the column for the names of parents, the word before "Häkan" likely refers to Anna's father, Håkan Håkanson Örhman, since the comment likely is, " .... [?] Häkans Anna Ormansdotter Örträst"

Note: there is another person named Nathanael whose birth was in Sept 1802, parents Jacob Nilson and Sara Greta Hansdotter from ............ . However it is very unlikely this is my great, great grandfather Lofgren; the note above fits and the hushousehold examination fits for Nathanael Löfgren born 1801, living for awhile in Lycksele and then moving to Stensele parish before 1833.

Note: Häkan Häkansson Öhrman - died 1806 and so would not recorded at Örträsk in Husförhör for the years, 1816-1828.

Note: in the 1980s my mom (Mary Grue, nee Lofgren) had created a photo album [scanned: "Mom's family genealogy maroon photo album"]. I had added a handwritten note and asked mom to name the people in each of the photos and on the photo for Per Erik Lögren, I had written "Peter [Per Erik], great grandfather .... was an orphan, brothers and sisters not known]. THIS note must have been referring to Per Erik Löfrgen's father, Nathanael Löfgren (b 1801).
BUT Nathanael was not an orphan, although I have not found any siblings and I have lost track of his mother, Anna Häkansdotter Örhman (b 1771)

1. c. written, 27 Jul 2015

It appears that Nathanael was the first in our family to use the surname, Löfgren. He used the surname as early as 1818, but possibly even earlier. It is somewhat unusual that Nathanael used a surname; most of the adult males at that time did not - mostly often, the patronomic naming conventions with only the name of their father, followed by 'sson' (for example Häkan Häkansson). If Nathanael did not know who his father was, then he would not have the Swedish traditional patronymic (named after his father), and so he then had to 'develop' a surname *.

I haven't found any reason for Nathanael's use of the surname Löfgren. Following the typical Swedish naming patronymic convention, child did not use any form of a surname until they became adults or went 'out in the world' on their own. Since Nathanael's father was not named in the church record (possibly his mother would not name the father), Nathanael could not use the Swedish traditional patronymic (named after his father) name and so he 'adopted' a surname. The word 'gren' in Swedish generallty is meant as "bough" or "tree branch" and 'löf or löv' is "leaves". So Löfgren would mean "leaves of a tree branch" - this information comes from Jim and Roger Lofgren (cousins from Sweden), who were visiting in Camrose at David's in early part of July 2015. They also said that there are a numerous people with the surname "Löfgren" in Sweden, even in the Lycksele area, and are not related to our branch of the family.

Another possibility is that many young men had to serve with the army and were given a "soldier name" often with a related military term, but sometimes a name of 'nature'. However, as of this writing I have not been able to determine if Nathanael had served with the army. Nor have I searched further in the Church records for Lycksele.

I have done a general google search on the meaning of the surname Löfgren. One interesting website on a "Lofgren family in the US" (; access 27 Jul 2015 and still active 16 Jun 2022), makes the following note:

"... Löfgren (pronounced "LÖV-grin") was one such name: it means "leafy branch" or "green leaf," as when the first leaves appear in the spring. A Swedish relative pointed out, for example, the bright green new growth that appears
at the tips of fir branches as being löfgren."

* 25 Sep 2015, see
"There were no set rules in giving surnames to children born out of wedlock. If the father was known, the child in most cases got a patronymic name after the father's first name. If the father had a family name, the child would probably get the same family name.
If the father was unknown, "fader okänd" in the birth records, the child would be given another surname. If the mother had a family name, then the child could adopt that name. Or adopt a patronymic name after the maternal grandfather's first name.
** I had read someplace that the children did not use their patronymic name until they moved from parent's home. For example, Anna as child was simply called Anna or to outsiders would have been known as 'Anna, the daughther of Häkan'. When she left her father's house, she then became known as 'Anna Häkansdotter', but since his father had adopted the family surname of Örhman (sometimes spelled as Öhrman), she became known as 'Anna Häkansdotter Örhman. The original of the surname Örhman is not known

1. d. [ 5 Aug 2015 ]
my PDF - Nathanael and Per Erik Löfgren Family Groups Sheets and Writings; on page 8, I had written based on information from Bertil and Karl Löfgren from Sweden, Jul Aug 1980:

"Per Erick Löfgren's father was Natanael Löfgren who was born in 1801. Natanael's father may have come form Finnland and settled on the coast of Sweden at Lovånger, c. 70 km north of Umea [c. - means about or approximately was my shorthand for many years]. He then may have moved inland to a place called c. 70 kms east and north Umea, where he met Anna Öhrman and was married. It is assumed that Natanael's parents continued living here. Possibly in the year 1819, Natanael moved to the Stensele area, which is a kind of county seat [actually a parish in Västerbotten län or county, with the parish church at the locality of Storuman), and then to Kyrkberg, north of Stensele (Stensele is is c. 50 km. north of Vilhelmina). It was probably here that he married Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter. Presumably he moved across the lake to Kaskelout, since there is where Per Erick was apparently born in 1835. Either Per Erick of Natanael was known as a "a wanderer" [likely Nathanael]

- see note 1, Nathanael's father was unknown, but Nathanael was likely born at the locality of Örträsk, about 60 kms south of Lycksele - this was the home area for his mother, Anna Öhrman; other mentionded locations of Nathanael's are and at this point, not provable.
- migration to Stensele parish was in 1821, not 1819
- it does appear that Nathanael and mother had moved a number of times, and then later, he and his wife, and children moved a number of times in the Stensele parish - this is likely due to his need to find work, and a place to stay rather than a desire to wonder around the countryside. It doesn't appear he owned land or a farm and doesn't appear that his mother lived with her parents when he was young.

- known locations for Nathanael, at time of these notes [ 5 Aug 2015]
1801 - Östräsk, and then a bit later from 1810-1816, at Boståls-Löse Hionelag (Bostallslöse)
1818 - likely Östräsk
1821 and 1822-1826 - Stensele parish, but no stated farm, only recorded as "from out of parish"
1827- 1836 - locality of Grannas, Stensele
1838 - 1839 - locality of Grannas
1840 - 1841 - locality of Atjaktrask
1845 - 1854 - locality Kogland ..... ?

1. e.
According to article at, [ ; accessed 30 Sep 2015 ]
- " A link to the father may be found in the child's name. It was not uncommon for an illegitimate son to receive the same first name as his father"
- there are others in Lycksele with the name Nathanael -- for example, Nathanael born 13 Nov 1774 to Jon Eriksson from Knaften (Lycksele Husförhörs, 1788-1809, page 28]

2. Nathanael and Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter residence; Stensele Parish, Västerbotten län

aa. 1817-1828, Husförhör, image 46, page 31 (ArkivDigitial); (ancestry image 52) ;;; Örträsk, Lyckesele parish

- 1818 recorded; this record has his name crossed off, and only one year recorded; on the far right column (Antekningar - annotation/note), there is something very faint; maybe a number ending in the digit '5' -- I've reviewed all pages in this year book ending in the digit '5' (page 15, 15, 35, etc) but no other recording on this Husförhör

- perhaps "non-existing", that is, a record of people not living in the parish and presumed to have moved, but the person had not let the parish priest know BUT records start 1867

a. 1817-1826, Husförhör, image 151 ; Stensele parish

Nathanael Löfgren, born 1802, from Lycksele in 1821; image 151; and years recorded for 1822-1825/1826

- recorded in the section (10 pages or so) of the book labeled: Utsocknes tjänstefolk -- although I'm not completely certain of the meaning, a basic translation is "out of the parish servants" or "servants of another parish" or from google translation, "nonresidential servants"; I'm not certain why he isn't registered as a member of the Stensele parish - perhaps there is some type of ceremony that is performed to "belong to the parish"; in the next set of Husförhör book, he is then recorded married (see below)
- Nathanael is listed by himself on a single page (letter N)

- under the Stensele register and before Utsockens tjänstefolk, "tjänstefolk bland lapparna" - servants among/by the Lapps, after page 119

b. 1827-1836, Husförhör, image 102; locality of Grannas; possible arrival at this farm in 1834 (first yr recorded, but more likely since his marriage in 1833)

Nathanael born 1802, married 1833
Majia Caisa Jacobsdotter, born 1806
Anna Caisa, born 1834
Pehr Erik, born 1835

there is a symbol in the next column after Nathanael`s name and marriage date, but I don`t know what it stands for
"Läfer och Förftår|" ???

Marriage: Stensele (AC) EI:1 (1816-1862) Page 8, 2nd side last entry: married 9 Apr 1833
Drang Nathanael Löfgren age 31 and Pige Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter, age 27;

c. 1837 - 1843, Husförhör, image 100; locality of Grannas; 1838 and 1839 (years recorded)
- same as above (point 'a')

d. 1837 - 1843, Husförhör, image 110; Locality of Atjaktrask; 1840 and 1841 (years recorded)
Nathanael Löfgren, born 1802, Maja Cajsa born 1806; Anna Cajsa born 1834; Per Erik born 22 Apr 1835; Greta Stina born 31 Oct 1837; Eva Johanna, born 2 Aug 1839

e. 1845-1854; Husförhör, image 104 (page 95); register for page 95, says Kogland, but on the image something different, starts Vid U .... pa ........

Nathanael, records for 1846; 1854
Maja Cajsa, records for 1864-1849
Anna Cajsa, born 1834; references Dahl after 1854 see page 81
Pehr Erik, born 1835; Wilhelmina, 18 .. ? (maybe 1853); he is also listed on Dahl (p 81) but is crossed off, with no years recorded
Eva Johanna, born 1839, references Lubbträsk, page 156
Maja Sophia, born 1843
Greta Stina, born 1845

f. 1855-1863; Husförhör, image 150 (page 135), line 1; ...[?] Gillslought ; register, image 6,7

Nathanael, born 1802, recorded for 1855-1866
Anna Casja, born 1834, recorded for 1855-1866
Pehr Erick, born 1835, to Vilhelmina 1853
Eva Johanna, born 1839. to Lubbträsk, recorded for year 1855 and then says Lubbträsk, image 130 (page 117) - she is listed on this farm, but name crossed off and no other information recorded
Maja Sopfia, born 1843, recorded 1861-1863; then Hällnäs with a notation 226 s.p. [?], image 173 (page 158) - her name is recorded but nothing else; also has the word Hick ? in 1st col
Greta Stina, born 1845, recorded 1861-1863, then to Långvattnet 1859-1860, page 116

NOTE: the 3 younger girls are recorded as "girls [ flicka ]" in the 1855 book. In the 1845-1854 book it looks like the 3 younger girls had moved to other families as early as 1850; Per Erik had gone to the farm Dahl. So after their mother's death, they likely were living with other families/farms for awhile; looking at the pages, I don't seem a relationship family, so I'm not sure why or how the farms/families would have been chosen; by 1861, it looks like the girls returned to the household of Nathanael. Per Erik of course left in 1853 for Vilhelmina

g. 1864-1873 Vol AI:6a ; Farm/locality: Vestervick, page 159
- Nathanael
- Anna Catharnia, born 1834
- Margretha Christina, born 1845

1873-1882 ; Kaskelought, page 236
- Nathanael
- Anna Catharnia, born 1834
- Margretha Christina, born 1845

1883 ; location: Backsittare och T ..... ? not clear on the meaning - death record, meaning cottage

- Nathanael - dod 11 Sep 1883
- Anna and Margretha stay at the same place at least until 1889

3. Death

- Nathanael Löfgren, born 1802, is recorded in the index for the Census 1880 on www.riksarkivet (then, type sok.rikarkivet, then person search, then on the left side, choose Västerbottens, in )

Thus, it appears that he was alive in 1880; however, reviewing deaths in Stensele parish 1875-1885, he isn't recorded ??? [ 28 Jul 2015 ]


5. 5466,5467


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

1. Birth - 1801, 15 Apr 1801, Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5468 Nathanael was likely born at the locality of Örträsk, about 60 kms south of Lycksele. His mother was Anna (Håkånsdotter) Öhrman. His father is unknown. One record (family sheet from Jim and Roger Lofgren in Jul 2015) records that Nathanael's father was a "Rysk Officer" [Russian Officer]; however, this is not proven. Family stories have suggested that Nathanael's ancestors came from Finland; however, the current Finland was a part of the Kingdom of Sweden until 1809 when it was ceded to the Russian empire, but excluded the "Finnish speaking areas of northern Sweden" (wikipedia).

Nathanael was most likely born out of wedlock (illegimate). In the brith record, above is name is written "oäkta" (although very difficult to read) sonnen. In the column for the names of parents, it is written "mators" [?] Hakan Anna Örhman. However, I am not sure of the spelling or the meaning of "mators". The name Hakan could refer to Nathanael's father or the Anna's father, Håkan Håkanson Örhman.

In the Husförhör (household examination) record for the years 1810-1817), Anna is recorded with her father's household (image 20), but then referenced to page 147 (image 151). Image 151 shows records for the locality of Boståls-Löse Hionelag. On this image Anna is recorded with the household of Olof Andersson. Anna Örman, born 1771 is recorded followed by "Oägt S. Nathanaël", born 1801. Anna's sister, Margreta Örman, born 1774, is recorded next followed by "Oägt S. Pehr Erik", born 1804

2. Residence, 1810-1816, 1810-1816, Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5469 Farm/Locality: Bostallslöse. Nathanael's mother, Anna is only recorded for the year 1810 with the other years blank.

3. Residence, 1818, 1818, Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5470 Farm/locality - Örträsk

4. Migration - 1821, 1821, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5471 Records his migration from Lycksele parish to Stensele

5. Residence, 1822-1826, 1822-1826, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5472 Record notes that he is from Lycksele parish and came into Stensele parish in 1821; this record does not record a specific farm or locality in Stensele parish.

6. Residence 1834-1836, 1834-1839, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5473 Locality of Grannas, 1834-1836 and 1838-1839; Husförhör, image 102 (1827-1836) and image 100 (1837-1843): Nathanael Löfgren born 1802, married 1833; Majia Caisa Jacobsdotter, born 1806; D. Anna Caisa, born 1834; S. Pehr Erik, born 1835

7. Residence, 1840-1841, 1840-1841, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5474 Locality/farm of Atjakträsk;

8. Residence, 1846-1854, 1846-1854, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5475 Locality is uncertain. The Husförhör register for the years 1846-1854 indicates Hogland (pages 94-95); however, on page 95, the locality/farm is difficult to read but clearly isn't Hogland - the record starts with Vid Um .. Bo...tellös? This likely refers to cabin or cottage on a farm. This record also shows the death of Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter in 1849. It appears that Eva had gone to the farm Lubbträst in 1850. Maria Sofia and Margreta Kristina may also have left for other families around 1851 and 1854 respectively. Per Erik also is recorded at the farm Dahl, and recorded as leaving for Vilhelmina in 1853.

9. Residence, 1855-1866, 1855-1866, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5476 Farm/locality Osvansörs...[?] Gillelought, likely near Kaskelougt. Nathanael's son Per Erik is recorded as leaving for Vilhelmina parish in 1853; he was also at the farm Dahl in Stensele (see page 81 for the years 1845-1855). Nathanael's three younger girls (possibly as early as about 1850) are recorded as "girls [Flicka] at different farms or households, likely after the death of Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter in 1849. Maria Sofia is recorded at Hällnäs on page 158; Eva Johanna at Lubbträsk on page 117 but she was also lived at a number of farms (see pages 76, 92, 106). Margareta Kristina was recorded at Långvettnet [near Långbeck ?] on page 116. It appears that by 1861 the girls returned to the home of Nathanael.

10. Residence, 1864-1873, 1864-1873, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5477 Farm/locality: Vestervick

11. Residence, 1873-1882, 1873-1882, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5478 Farm/locality: Kaskelought

12. Residence, 1883, 1883, Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5479 Farm/locality: Backsittare [? - cottage] och ... ?; död, 11 Sep 1883

13. Death - 1883, 11 Sep 1883, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5465 Records the term "Backsitteran", likely meaning "owner or occupier of a hillside cottage" (see Familysearch Swedish word list). Records the term "Enkling" meaning "Widower"; age 81. The Column Heading (second last column on the right side), "Folio ...? Husförhörsboken" has the entry of "373".


Nathanael married Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter on 9 Apr 1833 in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden.5462 (Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter was born on 27 Dec 1799 in Lycksele, Västerbotten Län, Sweden,5480 died on 28 Sep 1849 in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5481 and was buried on 7 Oct 1849 in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5482.)

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