Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter


Family Links

1. Nathanael Löfgren

Maria Catarina Jacobsdotter

  • Born: 27 Dec 1799, Lycksele, Västerbotten Län, Sweden 5480
  • Marriage (1): Nathanael Löfgren on 9 Apr 1833 in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5462
  • Died: 28 Sep 1849, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden at age 49 5481
  • Buried: 7 Oct 1849, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5482

bullet   Another name for Maria was Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter.


bullet  General Notes:

Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter (27 Dec 1799; died 28 Sep1849)

Written by Rueben D Grue, Revised 31 Jan 2022 (earlier versions, 30 Oct 2015 and 19 May 2016)

As I have noted below there has been confusion with Maria's date of birth - 1806 as many records have noted or 1799.
I reviewed some of the records again based on the "Millang FT on Ancestry" that records her birth as 27 Dec 1799. I am now more certain that the parish priest had made a mistake, which is not uncommon. See later paragraphs **

Maria Catharina (Katarina) Jacobsdotter was my second great-grandmother on my Lofgren side of the family. She was married to Nathanael Löfgren (1801-1883) and was the mother of Per Erik Löfgren (1835-1918). Family oral information, along with some written information, has recorded her birth as 1806 with no day or month noted. The information I obtained in 1980 from Sweden do not record Maria Catharina's parents.

In researching the Sweden Church Records (available on and Swedish Arkiv Digital. I have not found a birth record for Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter in Stensele or Lycksele parish. Sweden used a "patronymic naming pattern". This means that a son or daughter had a given name with the 'surname' equalling the given name of the father with 'son' or 'dotter' added. It was also common for parents to provide 2 given names (starting in the 1800's), but not always. So my second great-grandmother name was Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter (daughter of Jacob). Sometimes her given name was spelled Maria Katarina and her patronymic name was spelled Jakobsdotter. It should also be noted that in some areas, the name Maja Caisa was a shorten or nickname or an alternative name for Maria Catharina. So, in researching the birth records I needed to look for all three names to be fairly certain that I have found the right person.

The Sweden Church Records for Stensele parish did not start until 1816 and so prior to 1816, birth records were recorded in the Lycskele parish book (Stensele became it's own parish in 1815). But as stated above there is no record for Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter being born in 1806. However, there is one record for Maria Catharina Johansdotter, born 29 Jun 1806 with her parents Johan Johansson and mother Anna Johansdotter (Lycksele births, vol C:2, image 144 on ancestry). Although this is close, the patronymic name is wrong.

Is there any evidence that supports Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter's birth for 1806, as family tradition indicates? There are a number of records. First, the marriage record to Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter and Nathanael Löfgren. They were married on 9 Mar 1833 Stensele parish and the marriage is recorded in the Sweden Church Records (Stensele vol E:1, years 1816-1862 page 8). In this record, Maria Catharina's age is given as 27. This would mean that her birth would have been about 1806. The Household Clerical Examination Records also record her birth as 1806 (Stensele Husförhör AI:2, years 1827-1836 page 89; vol AI:3, years 1837-184 page 100; vol AI:4, years 1845-1854 page 95). Family oral tradition indicates that Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter drowned in 1849. Her death/burial records record her death on 28 Sep 1849 in a drowning (page 52); this record also says that she was age 43, putting her birth as 1806. Additionally Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter age was recorded at the time of each of the children's birth. Reviewing the birth records for her children, her birth would also have equalled 1806.

The above Church Records seem to agree with family oral/written tradition. But why is there no birth record for her in 1806 in Lycksele parish? It should be noted that Stensele parish was formed in 1815 as a breakout parish from Lycksele and so any records prior to 1805 were recorded in the Lycksele parish books. Perhaps she was not born in Lycksele parish but someplace else?

In researching the Löfgren family, I have found that many but not all settlers in the southern part of Swedish Lapland came from the central part of Sweden or the area surrounding Umeå on the coast of Bothina Sea. From here it seems that people in the 1500's and 1600's had hunting and fishing camps in the areas of Lycskele and Stensele but there were no permanent settlements. However as the general population increased there was a corresponding increase in the number settlements and farms in Nordmaling parish (formed from Umeå) and then west to Lycksele and then further west to Stensele parish. Vilhelmina parish became separated from Åsele parish in the south in 1783. Åsele parish started around 1700; prior to this it was a part of Anundsjö parish (further east). Doretea parish separated from Åsele around 1795.

Taking into account the general pattern of settlement, I looked at birth records/pages and I reviewed the records for Vilhelmina parish, Umeå rural parish, Nordmaling and Lycksele parishes for the years 1805, 1806, and 1807 (just in case, I also reviewed birth records in Åsele and Dorotea parishs). I reviewed 33 births during this time period looking for the combination of Maria plus Catharina plus Jacobsdotter (including spelling variations). Of the 33 births reviewed, I did not find one birth record with this combination. There were 18 children born with the name Maria Catharina (or Katarina) but the father's name was not Jacob. Eleven were named Maria Christina (or Kristina), two Maja Caisa, and one Margareta Catherina. There was one person with the father's name as Jacob Israelsson, but the child was name Maria Christina.

There was not a person born and named Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter in 1806 (or 1805 or 1807) in this part of southern Lapland. Of course, it is possible that her parents were from other parts of Southern Sweden. Although this is possibility, I don't believe it is very likely. So, if she wasn't born between 1805-1807, is there any evidence that she was born in some other year?

In conducting Swedish research I came across a researcher, Sven-Erik Johansson. On his webpage he indicates that he has been doing genealogy for over 20 years and that he started to record his information for that has become known as the "Kråken Database" ( ). When I first came across the Kråken Database, I was looking for information on my great grandfather, Per Erik Löfgren. Entering Per Erik (born 1835) into the Kråken Database, Per Erik, his siblings and his parents are recorded. Kråken Database records Per Erik's mother as Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter and her birth as 27 Dec 1799 in Lycskele parish. Kråken records her death as 1849 and notes that she had drowned. Other information on this family is the same as I have had previously recorded.

Further researching the Sweden Church Records, I found the birth for a person named Maria Catharina on 27 Dec 1799. Her father was Jacob Jonsson from Gäddträst and mother Maja Cajsa Pehrsdotter, age 20 (Lycksele Births vol C:2, page 102). Using the Lycksele Household Examination Books (Husförhörs), we find Jacob Jonsson's family recorded at the farm Skarvsjön or Skarvsjö with 6 children recorded including Maria Catharina born 1799 and a note that the family moved to Degerfors parish in 1816 (Lycskele 1810-1817 vol AI:6, page 66). The Husförhörs for Degerfors parish records Jacob Jonsson's family on the farm Bergnäs (1815-1825, vol AI:2, 109). Maria Catharina is not recorded with her parents, but on page 93 for the farm Granön there is a person, Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter born 1799, recorded as 'piga' (maid servant). Her name is crossed off and the record (or examination) appears to be for the year 1820 only (I have not found her on any other page in the Degerfors Husförhörs for 1815-1824). On page 109 Maria Catharina's sister, Greta Stina Jacobsdotter born 1807 (recorded as 1808) is noted to have moved to Lycksele in 1820 (likely Maria Catharina also left in 1820 with her sister), but I have not found neither in the Lycksele Husförhör books for the year 1820.

The next record I have reviewed is the Husförhör for Stensele parish 1827-1836. On page 47 for farm Skarv[f]sjön there is a record for Piga Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter born 1806 and then a reference to page 44 (Hvartfrän, meaning 'where from'). On page 44, farm Skarfsjönäs, does not record Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter, but has a record for Maria Catarina Jonsdotter born 1806. Perhaps this is the person mentioned above ( born 29 Jun 1806 with her parents Johan Johansson and mother Anna Johansdotter ) ? I have reviewed the Husförhörs book for this family (Johan Johansson) and found them at the farm Falträsk (Lyskele, 1810-1817, page 121). But curiously their daughter Maria Catharina Johansdotter is not recorded on that page. I thought perhaps that this Maria died and so I reviewed deaths/burials for Lycksele for the years 1806-1810, but there is no record. It seems a bit odd that at such a young age she would have gone to live with some other family or person but I have not found her any other place (she would have been only about 4 or 5 years old in 1810). This family (Johan Johansson) is not found at Falträst for the next Husförhör book of 1817-1828.

Maria Catarina Jonsdotter, the person recorded on page 44 of the Husförhörs for Stensele (1827-1836) may be the person above (born 1806) , but I haven't found this person (Maria Catarina Jonsdotter) on any other page. Also I wonder why there isn't a reference to page 47? Most often the priest recorded the movement of parishioners by making a reference to the farm they moved to or came from, with the corresponding page number.

There is another entry in the Husförhörs for Stensele (1817-1826; AI:1) that may be relevant. On page 27 there is an entry (recorded for the years 1820-1824) for a piga (single female worker) at the farm/locality of Skarsfjö named Maria Cath Jonsdotter (no birth year recorded). This person's name is hard to make out and there is as possibility that the name Maria Cath Jacobsdotter. This records says that the person came from Degerfors parish in 1818 and then referenced to Utfocknes tjenstfolk (laborers or servants with no specific residence) to image 157. On this page Maria Cath Jonsdotter from Degerfors in 1818 and the name 'Jonsdotter' is quite clear. This person's birth year is recorded as 1804. Has the parish priest mistakenly mixed up the two Maria Catharina's and at the same time changed the birth year? This record notes a different birth year (Lyskele or Degerfors birth records do not record a person with this name born in 1804), but does indicate the person came from Degerfors parish in 1818, which is close to the last record I have of Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter (born 1799) of 1820 at Degerfors.

There are a couple of other entries in the Husförhör for Stensele 1827-1836 on page 39 (image 50 on the farm Pauträst). This page records Maja Casja Jonsdotter born 1806, with the day either 20 or 22 and the month that looks like 2 digits (10, 11, or 12) and recorded for the year 1832. This records has another name crossed off under Jonsdotter but it is practically impossible to read as well as the day and month of birth. On page 46 (image 58, farm Skarsfjön) Maja Casja Jonsdotter born 1806 with the day 20 and the month questionable, but likely 2 digits. The years recorded are for 1827-29 and there is a reference to page 39.

Is the person Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter born 1806 and recorded on page 47 ( Husförhör for Stensele 1827-1836) the same person who is recorded on page 44 as Maria Catharina Jonsdotter? There really isn't any way to answer this question. Either they are the same person or they are different. Is it possible that the priest make a mistake by the reference of Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter on page 47 with the person Maria Catharina Jonsdotter on page 44? ** My hunch is that the priest did make this mistake and ended up recording them as the same person, giving "our Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter" birth as 1806 from that point on, but also mixing the patronymic names between Jonsdotter and Jacobsdotter It is possible that there were changes in who was recording the entries. One note to make is that the age of "our Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter" in her children's birth records and has been added after the original entry (the handwriting looks a bit different and the pen/ink is different).

It should be noted that the Husförhör book for Stensele, 1827-1836, records on page 47 Drång Nathanael Löfgren, born 1801 on the farm, Skarv[f]sjön (for the years 1830-31, maybe 1832), and references page 2. Page 2 records Nathanael at the farm Stensele for the years 1829-1830 and references to page 4. On page 4, also for the farm Stensele, records Nathanael for the years 1827-1828, maybe 1829. This page also notes that Nathanael came in 1821 from Lycksele (the previous Stensele Husförhör for the years 1817-1826 does not record him on any specific farm, but under general farm workers; Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter is not recorded in this Husförhör book (1817-1826 , at least on the pages I have reviewed). Drång usually refers to a male farm worker.

One other source, Anbytarforum, there is one post in Jun 2001 from Mattias Palmestäl that makes reference to the work of Ossian Egerbladh (in 1965 he had written a history of Örträst in Lycksele and also had written about the settlement of Lycksele parish). Ossian Egerbladh recorded Jacob Jonsson and Maria Pehrsdotter. This post then references Sven Erik Fahlesson's material on Lycksele 1700-1920 that records daughter Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter born 1799 but this material does not have any other information.

I found one other database through an internet search. Thomas Forsling's database has included the birth of Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter as 1799 and cites the Lycksele Husförhörs book (1788-1809, page 66, farm Gaddträst) as a source, but this page only records Jacob Jonsson and his wife Maria Catharina Pehrsdotter for the year 1799. He also records her parents as Jakob Jonsson and Maria Catharina Persdotter (Jacob Jonsson is recorded as son-in-law). Thomas Forsling's database does not provide any further information on "our" Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter or descendants, and so this database does not necessarily provide much support to her birth. However, this database does provide additional information on her ancestors. This database does reference a source, "Örträsk Finns Descendants."

Another avenue that I researched were the witnesses or sponsors at baptisms; some times these people are relatives. For Per Erik Löfgren's baptism there is recorded as witnesses, Greta Stina Jacobsdotter and her husband Sjul Larsson. Researching this couple showed that this is likely the same person (Greta Stina Jacobsdotter) mentioned above (top of page 3; born 1808) and as being the sister of Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter born 1799. No other baptisms for children of Nathanael and Maria recorded Greta Stina Jacobsdotter as a witness. Also Nathanael or Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter were not recorded as witnesses for any of the children of Greta Stina Jacobsotter.


** I am not able to make a definite conclusion at this time regarding Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter's birth. My hunch is that Maria Catharina's birth is 27 Dec 1799 and that our family oral tradition for her birth as 1806 is wrong. This was based on the mistake (s) made by the parish priest, inadvertently mixing up two people and their births (Maria Catharina Jonsdotter and Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter). But it is likely almost impossible to prove this with a high degree of certainty this point. However this is the most likely senario. As of 31 Jul 2022 I have recordied Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter birth as 27 Dec 1799 and recording that these dates are "disproven".

Further research:
1. Further researching the Husförhörs book records page by page may find further references for either of the two individuals named Maria Catharina and may assist in determining birth.
2. Researching the population registers for 1870 or 1880 may provide additional clues.
3. Arkiv Digital (Sweden) has recently added a "name search index". This may provide some direction on other locations for the names identified in the Husförhör books.

12 Nov 2016:
I utilized the "all-in-one Name search" on the Swedish Arkivdigital

There are no persons named Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter (including the spelling variations) for the years 1820-1920. There are a number of people named Maria Catharina Jonsdotter (44 people) for the above years. There are 5 people living in Västerbottens, but none with a birth date of around 1806. The closest to a birth of 1806, is the birth of Maria Catharina Jonsdotter born 24 Aug 1814 married to Johan Petter Ersson Sjöström born 12 Jun 1814. They were living at the farm Lappvattnet in Bursträst parish (AI:13a, page 91).

4 . Contacting some of the other researchers identified may provide additional information. Another possible source is Disbyt. Disbyt is a subscription based Swedish (and maybe Norwegian) family tree database.

bullet  Research Notes:

See Biographical Sketch 19 May 2015 (general notes)

Millang FT [Lyle Millang] [from Edmonton]; last access, 31 Jul 2022
- detail on children and grandchildren of Johan N Lofgren
- Lyle's mother was a sister to Eddie Lindberg (married to Verna Lofgren - this FT follows ancestors of Verna back to Sweden and Verna's greatgrandparents, Nathanael Löfgren and Maria K Jakobsdotter

1. Birth : much of the following is not likely correct, other than conflicting

As of 25 Jul 2015, I have not been able to confirm day and month of birth nor the location (see research notes).

Conflicting information.

most of the family tree / sheet information, records name as: Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter (or spelling, Catharina or Catarina) and usually birth year is 1806

BUT Birth records for Stensele do not start until 1816 after Stensele was created in 1815; prior to 1815, Stensele covered by Lycksele

So, Lycksele, years, 1805-1807 ; only results with image 144, (Stensele parish part of Lycksele) [26 Oct 2015]

Maria Catharina born 29 Jun 1806, bap 27 Jul ;; father Joh. [Johan] [ looks abit like Job, but ? ... often Joh is an abbreviation for Johan] Johannsen and mother Anna Joh in Faltråsk, but ..... she isn't listed in 1810 with family at Faltråsk in Husförhör Lycksele (1810-1817, image 128, page 121) [ 14 Oct 2015 - reviewed deaths 1806-1810 but no record ]
Johan Johanson, born 1758, married 1774 to Anna Catarina Jonsdtr, born 1768 [his, modr, Catarina Larsdotter, born 1734 ]; Children: D, Brita Catarina, born 1776; D, Ulrih (?) Johansdotter, ....? 1781; D, Christina ..? 1783
S, Jonas, 1797, b. ?; D, Caisa Agatha, 1801- D; , Eva Maria, 1810 ;; but no Maria Catharina Johansdotter born 1806
Faltråsk in Husförhör Lycksele (1788-1809, image 106 page 90) - this page is a bit messy and shows 2 lines (1791-1797; 1798-1805)
- records Johan Johanson, born 18 May 1758 (married 1794) and Anna Caisa Jons dr, born 4 May 1768 with two daughters, Anna and Utrica, but no birth years ? ;; the other children, Christina, Jonas, and Caisa Agatha are not recorded ???
Brännäs in Husförhör Lycksele (1817-1828 page 136), but no Maria Catharina Johansdotter born 1806

++++ BUT the above is likely the wrong person ---- see below

-- there are a couple other possibilities in 1805; Maria Catharina bor 17 Feb 1805 - BUT father is Olof, so not likely ;
Maria Christina born 17 Mar 1805, BUT father is Jon and her middle is Christina, so not likely
- NO Maja Cajsa
- ??? Lisa Caisa born 4 Oct 1806 bap 8 Oct (image 144), father Jacob Jonson and mother Maria ??? .. W Gransele - BUT ..... there is a death record (image 73) for 12 Jan 1807 (age 3 mos ??) father, Jacob Jonson from Gransele ; Gransele W, Husförhör (1788-1809) image 115 one family Jacob Jonson born 1767 married ? and Christina Eriksdotter (likely ?); no children; NO Jacob Jonson family in Husförhör for the years 1810-1817.

OR Kråken Database

- records birth of Maria Katarina Jakobsdotter born 27 Dec 1799, Lycksele; farm Gäddträst
died (drowned) Stornäsnet


- marriage record records that both Nathanael and Maria Katarina are from Stensele; his age is recorded as 31 <1802> and her age 27 <1806>
- Husförhör for 1827-1836, Stensele page 89 record Nathanael and Maria Katarina along with daugther Anna Caisa (Catharina) and Pehr Erik; Maria Katarina's birth recorded as 1806
- Husförhör for Stensele 1827-1836, page 47 --- records for the years 1830-31 (maybe 1832), Drång Nathanael Löfgren, born 1801 on the farm, Skarv[f]sjön and references page 2; this takes us to the farm Stensele for the years 1829-1830 for single person, Nathanael; page 2 also references to page 4 for the farm Stensele for Nathanael for the years 1827-1828, maybe 1829 (page 4 also notes that Nathanael came in 1821 from Lycksele (the previous Stensele Husförhör for the years 1817-1826 do not record him on any specific farm, but under general farm workers)

-- Husförhör for Stensele 1827-1836, page 47 for farm Skarv[f]sjön records Piga Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter born 1806 and then references page 44 (looks a little like page 49 but nothing fits on that page) ;; page 44 does not record Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter, but does have a record for Maria Catarina Jonsdotter born 1806 - person above? Also this record does not reference page 47 - why not?
- this Husförhör does not record Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter on the farm Stensele (page 1-7)

my hunch The parish priest makes a mistake and records the birth of Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter on page 47 with the person Maria Catarina Jonsdotter born 1806 on page 44. This mistake is carried forward from that point on in the records with "our Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter" birth recorded as 1806 (over the Husförhör years, birth of children and her death - for example her death in 1849 gives age as 43 with birth then as 1806).

any evidence of this hunch ???

BB. Kråken Database - this the only source that has a different record for Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter with her birth as 27 Dec 1799 at the farm Gäddträst in Lycskele

So following the records for the birth of 1799, we find
-- Births for Lycksele, Maria Catharina born 27 Dec 1799 (bap on 29 Dec) - father Jacob Jonsson in Gäddträst and mother Maja Cajsa Pehrsdotter age 20 <1779> [her death is in 1843 age 60 with birth 1783; p164, Granön, Degerfors; Jacob's death also 1843 age 66 with birth then as 1777; page 165, farm Granön]
-- Husförhör for Lycksele, 1788-1809, farm Gäddträst on page 66, Pehr Nilsson born 1735 and Maria Johansdotter born 1745, with one of a number of children being Maria Catharina born 1779 -- and then towards the bottom of the page is, Måg. Jacob Jonsson from Gränön born 1777 and his wife Maria Catharina Pehrsdotter born 1779
-- Husförhör for Lycksele, 1810-1817, page 66, farm Skarvsjön [spelling] Jacob Jonsson with wife and 6 kids including Maria Catharina born 1799 -- family moved to Degerfors in 1816

-- Husförhör for Degerfors 1815-1824; page 93 on farm Granön, piga Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter born 1799 (crossed off) for the year 1820 only ; parents not recorded on the same farm

-- Degerfors Moving out records (1822-1856; first yr available 1822), nothing 1822-1832 for her or parents
moving in/out records for Lycksele start 1834 and for Stensele start 1863

-- Husförhör for Stensele 1827-1836, page 47 for farm Skarv[f]sjön records Piga Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter born 1806 and then references page 44 (looks a little like page 49 but nothing fits on that page) ;; page 4 does not record Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter, but does have a record for Maria Catarina Jonsdotter born 1806 - person above? Also this record does not reference page 47 - why not?

sister --- Greta Stina from Kråken database
- married 5 Feb 1832 to Sjul Larsson (age 28) from Harrvik
- 7 children

- I went through the birth records for Greta Stina Jacobsdotter' children to see if any note of

Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter as a witness to any of the births == NO
- BUT for birth of Per Erik Löfgren born 22 Apr 1835 == witness Sjul Larsson and hustra [Greta Stina Jacobsdotter from Harrvik

---------------- Anbytarforum

- only a couple of notes - post in Jun 2001, one from Ossian Egerbladh making one notation on her parents; and then references Sven Erik Fahlesson's material on Lycksele 1700-1920 -- this lists Maria Katarine Jacobsdotter born 1799 (but nothing else) [ his website is very specific to his family and not a general list; he has some CD's for sale ]
- other post on Brita Ulrich Jacobsdotter and the only mention is "1816 family moves to Degerfors" Husförhör

-- there is one website, owner, Thomas Forsling ;;
that lists 3 children of Jakob Jonsson born 1777, one being Maria Katarina Jacobsdotter born 1799 BUT no more information on her


bullet  Noted events in her life were:

1. Disproven birth - 1799 or 1806: birth not proven, 27 Dec 1799, Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden. See "Biographical Sketch - Maria Catharina Jacobsdotter". At this point [31 Jul 2022] it is likely her birth was 27 Dec 1799, but this is not definitively proven. Further research

2. Death - 1849, 28 Sep 1849, Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden. 5482 Drowned: "Nathanael Löfgren's hustra Maja Cajsa Jacobsdotter in L....ought, age 43". It appears that she drowned with a group of 3 others who were on a boat crossing over some ice and stones [it is very difficult to read the record on the Sweden Church record]. As of 27 Jul 2015 I have not found her residence indicated in the this record partly due to the difficulty with the spelling/handwriting of the recorder.


Maria married Nathanael Löfgren, son of Unknown and Anna Häkansdotter Örhman, on 9 Apr 1833 in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden.5462 (Nathanael Löfgren was born on 15 Apr 1801 in Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5463, baptized on 18 Apr 1801 in Lycksele, Västerbotten, Sweden,5464 died on 11 Sep 1883 in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5465 and was buried on 30 Sep 1883 in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden 5465.)

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