Sofia Mikkelsdtr Bakken
- Born: 20 Aug 1873, Tufsingdalen, Os, Tolga, Hedmark, Norway 1549
- Baptized: 21 Sep 1873, Tufsingdalen, Os, Tolga, Hedmark, Norway 1549
- Marriage (1): Ole Feragen on 6 Jul 1900 1548
- Died: 26 Nov 1955, Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada at age 82
- Buried: St Joseph's Lutheran Church, Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada 1550
Other names for Sofia were Elizabeth Sofia and Lisbet Sofia.
Research Notes:
1. source: "Each Step Left its Mark", Hay Lakes community history book, 1982; pages 418-420
- Ole was born in Røros (recorded by son Arnold); son Peder records Brekken district of Røros - arrived in Alberta in July 1906 - homestead SW Sec 36, Twp 49, Range 21, W 4th - 1914 moved to NW Sec 20, Twp 49 and west half of W1/2 of NW of Sec 17, Twp 49 (purchased from Mr Martinson) and later purchased the W1/2 of SW, Sec 17, Twp 49 - eleven children
- family photo, 1950; page 418 - photo of Ole and Sofia, 50th Wedding Aniversary, 1950; page 212
2. 1900 Norway Census: Feragen north, Røros
- lists Sofie Johnsdtr (born 1873) - family position as "Hørende til familien" -- hørende has to do with hard of hearing or deaf -- someone in the family is deaf and she translates??;;; --- under Occupation she is listed as "Verksarbeiders hustru" - worker's (arbeider) wife (hustru) -- wife of Ole Pedersen (b 1878) living with and on his parent's farm; Ole was a worker with the Røros copperworks (kopperverk)
3. Quebec Passenger lists
- Ship Lake of Manitoba - Ole Peter, Lisbet, Kristine, Peder, John - designation - Wilhelmina, Alberta
4. 1911 Canada, Alberta, Strathcona, sub-district 27, page 17
- SW Sec 36, Twp 49, Range 21 - Ole and Elizabeth Sofia, Louise ....? (March 1900), Peder (Dec 1902), John (June 1904), Ingwald (Sept 1907), Clara Louise (Aug 1909) - emigrated 1906; naturalized 1910
5. 1916 Canada, Alberta, Strathcona, sub-district 14, page 11
- Twp 49, Range 21 - Ole and Sophie, Christine, age 16 <1900>, Peder, John, Ingwald, Lucy (age 7, <1909>), George, age 3 <1913>, and Sigrud and Edmond, twins (although they appears to be recorded as Ziggar and Audvey), age 1 <1915>
6. Land
- Western Land Grants - SW Sec 36, Twp 49, Range 21; 1906 ++ not on AB Homestead Index
- CPR - SE Sec 23, Twp 49, Range 21, W 4th; with Mikkel Bakken 1548
Noted events in her life were:
1. Residence - 1900, 3 Dec 1900, Røros, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway. 1551
2. Emigration - 1906: arrived on the ship Lake Manitoba that embarked on 6 July from Liverpool, 16 Jul 1906, Quebec, Canada. 1552
3. Land - 1911, 1911, Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada. 1553
4. Residence - 1911, 1911, Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada. 1554
5. Residence - 1916, 1916, Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada. 1555
Sofia married Ole Feragen on 6 Jul 1900.1548 (Ole Feragen was born on 12 Oct 1878 in Røros, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway, died on 20 Aug 1966 in Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada and was buried in St Joseph's Lutheran Church, Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada 1556.)