Brita Mattsdotter
(Abt 1640-)


Family Links

1. Michel Michelsson

Brita Mattsdotter 8147

  • Born: Abt 1640, Färila, Gävleborg län, Sweden
  • Marriage (1): Michel Michelsson

bullet  Research Notes:

1. re: Name: Brita Matsdotter (b about 1640) from "genealogy shortcuts"' link,

- actually this website uses the name Brita Matsson, married to Michel Michelsson (b 1635) [ and his father Michel Michelsson b 1604 ]

BUT, Anbytarforum (posts by Torbjörn Näs and Alexis - see my doc, Mickel Mickelsson Huiskainen b 1687
- also uses the name Mickel Matsson Kirjalainen (1624-1728), Los
AND, then the FamilySearch tree with the name Kirjalainen - Margareta Matsdotter Kirjalainen (b 1639), married to Michel Michelsson born 1635) [ familysearch, id # LZS9-R1T ]

SO, Mickel Mattson (b 1624) and Margarete Matsdotter (b 1639) with a surname of Kirjalainen are likely brother and sister

And, is it possible ??? that: 'Brita Mattsdotter' (b abt 1640) and 'Margareta Mattsdotter Kirjalainen' (b 1639) are the same person?
-- see point 2, and so it is a possibility that she was born/baptised as Margareta but was also known as Brita

2. from the website, "Behind the Name", link,

- using the name, 'Brita', it is a diminutive (a shorten version) of Brigitta; and it is likely related to the German name of Gitta (which is a shorten form of Birgitta) or the Hungarian shorten name of Margaréta or Margit; From this, it is possible we have Swedish/Finnish given name, Margareta

Conclusion: The name of the spouse for Michel Michelsson (born about 1635) is NOT confirmed, however, the efternamn is likely to be Mattsdotter.


Brita married Michel Michelsson. (Michel Michelsson was born about 1632 in Färila, Gävleborg län, Sweden 8147 and died between 1695 and 1700 in Färila, Gävleborg län, Sweden.)

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