Kari Johnsdatter Grue
1. Disaproven birth/baptizm location - 1846-1847, 1846-1847. The Bygebok for Os records that her baptism was at Os. The Norway Parish Registers record the John Thoresen Grue family leaving Røros Parish in Sør Trondelag, Norway for Idre Sweden on 4 Oct 1847 with 2 children age 2 and 1 (the names of the children are not recorded, but given the ages, they must be Hennerika and Karen). If Karen's birth was in Oct 1846, her birth was more likely in Røros. However, Karen's birth is not recorded in Røros or Tolga or Os i Tolga Miniesterialbok or Klokkerboks). Karen's birth/baptizm is recorded in the Sweden Church Records for births in Idre Parish, Kopparberg Co, Sweden. At the same time, the Sweden Church Records, Household Examination collection (Husförhör) records that the Jo(hn) Thoresen Grue family arrived at the Skärvagen Farm in Irde Parish in 1847. |
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