Engelbret Ivarsson
Kerstin Jonsdotter
Engelbret Engelbretsson
Ingeborg Nilsdotter
Per Engelbretsson


Family Links

1. Kjerstin Månsdotter

2. Kjerstin Jonsdotter

Per Engelbretsson

  • Born: 24 Mar 1820, Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden 8658
  • Marriage (1): Kjerstin Månsdotter on 28 Dec 1843 in Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden 8655
  • Marriage (2): Kjerstin Jonsdotter on 30 Dec 1854 in Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden 8656
  • Died: 17 Jun 1892, Gudmundrå, Västernorrland län, Sweden at age 72 8658

bullet  Research Notes: FT, Annelie Margareta Viklund-Johnsson, 23 Nov 2016
direct link,

1. A very brief summary: [6 Oct 2019]

Per Engelbretsson was born in 1820 at Östmark parish in Värmland. For most of his adult life he lived at the farm/village of Björsviken, Östmark parish. Per was married twice. His first marriage in 1843 was to Kjerstin Månsdotter (1805-1853) from Björsviken. Per and Kjerstin had two children.

On 30 December 1854, Per Engelsbretsson remarried to Kjerstin Jonsdotter, and they had 8 children, with one dieing as an infant.

Per and Kjerstin Jonsdotter lived and worked at the farm/village of Björsviken much of their life. However, in 1888 they moved to Gudmundrå parish (about 500 kms to the north east and close to the coast) and lived with their son who had moved earlier in 1870. It was in Gudmundrå parish that both Per and Kjerstin Jonsdotter died. Per's children all had moved from Östmark. In the following chronological report I have included the parish/county that each had died in. I have not researched in detail Per Engelbretsson's grandchildren and other descendants - further research is needed.

The following is a "modified" Chronological report:

Per Engelsbretsson, 24 Mar 1820 - 17 Jun 1892(Gudmundrå, Västernorrland)
Married: 28 Dec 1843Kjerstin Månsdotter, 1805-1853 (Östmark)
Children: Kjerstin's first marriage
Per Nilsson, 1821
Måns Nilsson, 1833-1844
Olof Nilsson, 1835
Nils Nilsson, 1839-1844
Nils Persson Viklund, 1844-1938 (Gudmundrå, Västernorrland) [ m. children, surname Viklund ]
Per Persson, 1847-1922 (Trandstrand, Kopparberg) [ m. twice, children, surname Persson ]

Married [Per Engelsbretsson]: 30 Dec 1854 toKjerstin Jonsdotter, 1825 - 1900 (Gudmundrå, Västernorrland) Child: previous relationship: Nils Jonsson, 27 Jan 1850-1933

Erik Persson, 1854-1855 (Östmark)
Kjerstin Persdotter, 1856-1908 (Stugun, Jämtland) [ m. children, surname Eriksson]
Erik Persson Viklund, 1858-1931 (Linsell/Linsäll, Jämtland) [ m. children surname Viklund]
Jon Persson Viklund, 1859-1927 (Långsele, Västernorrland) [m. children surname Viklund]
Ingeborg Persdotter, 1862-1933 (Undersäker, Jämtland) [m. children, surname Engström)
August Persson Viklund, 1864-1952 (Gudmundrå, Västernorrland) [ m. children surname Viklund]
Otto Persson Viklund, 1866-1936 (Gudmundrå, Västernorrland) [ m. children surname Viklund]
Olof Julius Persson Kvist/Quist, 1870- 1950 Nordringå, Västernorrland) [2 marriages; children surname Quist]

2. Household Records; re: Per Engelbretsson b 1820

Östmark (S) AI:29 (1886-1890) Image 55 / Page 44, Björsviken
Per E.. and Kjerstin... ;;; married 30 Dec 1854;;; and they move on 10 Jan 1888 to Gudmundrå parish, Västernorrland län - this is about 500 km north west of Östmark (son Nils Persson left Östmark on 6 Feb 1870; son Otto moved there earlier in 1886; not sure if son August moved there in 1889)

Östmark moving out Records: B:3
(a). Jon Persson Viklund, b 1859, in Apr 1881, p 6 no 5 - to Långsele parish, Västernorrland [about 50 kms northwest from Gudmundrå]
- use name index - he died 3 Mar 1927; Långsele (Y) AIIa:10 (1922-1934) Image 1980 / Page 845, Prästbordet - he was married, 2 girls and a boy who died in 1898 and was born 1897
(b). Erik Persson Viklund, b 1858, in Sep 1883, p 20 no 73 - Linsell/Linsäll parish, Jämtland; died 24 Nov 1931; Linsell (Z) AIIa:4 (1931-1940) Image 1370 / Page 123, Kyrkbyn; married with children [Linsell is about 30 kms north of Sveg]
(c) Kjerstin Persdotter, b 1856, in Sep 1884, p 23 no 54 - to Stugun parish, Jämtland; died 10 Jul 1908;
Stugun (Z) AIIa:1a (1899-1908) Page 46, Fiskjölandet; married to Erik Johansson, children with surname of Eriksson; Erik Johansson died 3 Aug 1803
- in vol AI:12, 1890-1898, p 45 Fiskjölandet [AID: v115244.b570.s45]
Erik Johansson, b 25 Feb 1850 at "By, Förs Faln" ????; married 12 Sep 1883

[Stugen is about 200 kms north-east of Sveg or about 50 kms east of Östersund

Gudmundrå (Y) BI:3 (1879-1893) Image 60, no 11; moving in records; 10 Feb 1888
referenced to page 669 in Household Record book, Sandviken

- this is the home place for Nils Persson Viklund, b 9 Jan 1844 at Östmark and his family
he is married on 26 May 1872 (at Torsåker parish in Västernorrland) to Anna Stina Johansdotter, b 16 Aug 1843 in Finland; Torsåker parish is about 25 kms north if Gudmundrå; family came to Gudmundrå on 15 Nov 1778
his children: three oldest born at Torsåker; 2 youngest at Gudmundrå
Johan Valmar Edvard, b 20 Feb 1872
Karl Friloif Alexander, b 30 Apr 1873
Nils Gustav Engelbrekt, b 11 Jul 1876
Alexandra Kristina, b 29 Jun 1980
August Valfried, b 18 May 1883; died 28 Jun 1883
- 2 lines down
Per Engelbrecktsson b 1820 and wife Kjerstin Jonsdotter, b 1825; from Östmark on 10 Feb 1888 (new book p 354)

Gudmundrå (Y) AI:8a (1889-1898) Image 342 / Page 335, Sandviken
Nils Persson Viklund, b 1844; remarried on 10 May 1896 to Gertrud Margeta Balen [?] b 14 Aug 1867 in Finland;
wife Anna Stina died 8 Dec 1894
Johan Valmar Edvard, b 20 Feb 1872 (moves in 1896 but maybe he goes to military Service ???)
Karl Friloif Alexander Nilsson, b 30 Apr 1873 - moves to next page
Nils Gustav Engelbrekt, b 11 Jul 1876
Alexandra Kristina, b 29 Jun 1980; died 27 Feb 1890

Gudmundrå (Y) AI:8a (1889-1898) Image 285 / Page 278, Sandvicken
Per Engelbrecktsson b 1820 ; died 17 Jun 1892
and wife Kjerstin Jonsdotter, b 1825; Östmark [first at p. 354 then here 15 Nov 1889]
then, son
Otto Persson Viklund, b 8 Apr 1886; [ came from Torsåker in 1887]; new book p 375

note: the above FT records that Per Engelbrektsson b 1820 died 17 Jul 1892 but does not record a place name

Gudmundrå (Y) AIIa:2 (1899-1921) Image 290 / Page 375, Dynäs
Otto Persson Viklund is married and has 3 children; moves to page 981 in 1901
(and there is a comment of page 375 that the family had gone to Norrland in 1899)
--- at the bottom of page 375 is Kjerstin Jonsdotter b 1825, died 15 Jun 1900
Gudmundrå (Y) AIIa:3 (1899-1921) Image 2850 / Page 981, Yåttesta ???
- Otto Persson Viklund family is referenced to page 509 in 1903 which is Sandviken; and then referenced to page 729 in 1905
- on the top of page 509 is Nils Persson Viklund, b 1844 and wife; mid-page is their son and his family Nils Gustav Engelbret Viklund b 1876 (he has 5 children); family is referenced to page 413 in 1916

Östmark (S) AI:28 (1881-1885) Image 60 / Page 49, Björsviken
Per E.. and Kjerstin...
Erik Persson b 17 Dec 1858 - moves
Jon b 2 Oct 1859 - moves
August b 28 Apr 1864
Otto b 8 Apr 1866
Olof Julius, b 12 Apr 1870

then a couple of lines
then Nils Jonsson b 1850 and his wife

Östmark (S) AI:27 (1876-1880) Image 58 / Page 46, Björsviken
Per E.. and Kjerstin...
Kjerstin Persson, b Jul 1856 moves ** see notes under vol AI:24
Erik Persson b 17 Dec 1858
Jon b 2 Oct 1859
Ingeborg b 1 Jan 1862 - referenced to Nyland parish in Västernorrland, 2 Sep 1876 (moving out, B:2 im 113 no 58)
August b 28 Apr 1864
Otto b 8 Apr 1866
Olof Julius, b 12 Apr 1870

then a couple of lines
then Nils Jonsson b 1850 and his wife

Östmark (S) AI:24 (1871-1875) Image 58 / Page 46, Björsviken
Per E.. and Kjerstin...
Kjerstin Persson, b Jul 1856 - referenced from **
Erik Persson b 17 Dec 1858
Jon b 2 Oct 1859
Ingeborg b 1 Jan 1862
August b 28 Apr 1864
Otto b 8 Apr 1866
Olof Julius, b 12 Apr 1870

then a couple of lines
then Nils Jonsson b 1850 and his wife

** daughter Kjerstin b Jul 1856 - the above FT records her death as 10 Jul 1908, but no place name given -- BUT Östmark death records for Jul 1908 record someone named Kerstin Persdotter but born in 1831
- page 526 in 1873/74 - leaves in 1873 and returns home in 1874: (AI:26) is Röjdaset - But she isn't recorded there ; see next vol, AI:27
- vol, AI:27 page 46, says she is "sjuklig" = sickly, in bad health; but she moves to Styrnäs (Skjörnäs), Västernorrland on 16 Nov 1877 ;; BUT she isn't recorded in Östmark moving out records, although there is a person named Kerstin Persdotter leaving 14 Dec 1877 but this says she is from Östmark (not Björsviken) and the place leaving to is ??? Nils or Kils ... ?????; I also looked at Styrnäs moving in records for 1877 or 1878 but she is not recorded (no one from Östmark or from Värmland); also looked in Styrnäs, Torsåker, and Gudmundrå parishes and death records for Jul 1908, but nothing ??
???? [ 30 Sept 2019 ]

Östmark (S) AI:22 (1866-1870) Image 69 / Page 65, Björsviken
Per E.. and Kjerstin...
Nils Persson b 9 Jan 1844 - move on 12 Feb 1870 to Västernorrland (spelled W. Norrls län) - looks like
- Östmark moving out records say he left on 6 Feb 1870 to Ångermanland (historical province)
Per b 11 Feb 1847 - Move ??? see his notes
Erik Persson b 17 Dec 1858
Kjerstin Persson, b Jul 1856
Jon b 2 Oct 1859
Ingeborg b 1 Jan 1862
August b 28 Apr 1864
Otto b 8 Apr 1866
Olof Julius, b 12 Apr 1870

then a couple of lines
then Nils Jonsson b 1850

then a couple of lines
Nils Persson b 9 Jan 1844 - move ???
Per b 11 Feb 1847 - Move ???

Östmark (S) AI:20 (1861-1866) Image 72 / Page 66, Björsviken
Per E.. and Kjerstin...
Nils Persson b 9 Jan 1844
Per b 11 Feb 1847
then Nils Jonsson b 1850
Erik Persson b 17 Dec 1858
Kjerstin Persson, b Jul 1856
Jon b 2 Oct 1859
Ingeborg b 1 Jan 1862
August b 28 Apr 1864

Östmark (S) AI:18 (1860-1861) Image 49 / Page 43, Björsviken
Per E.. and Kjerstin...
Nils Persson b 9 Jan 1844
then Nils Jonsson b 1850
then Erik Persson, b 17 Dec 1854 died ???
Kjerstin Persson, b Jul 1856
Erik b 25 Apr 1858 died 1859
Jon b 2 Oct 1859

Östmark (S) AI:16 (1856-1859) Image 48 / Page 42, Björsviken
Per Engelbretsson b 1820 wife Kjerstin Jonsdotter b 1825
step son Nils b 1844
ö.a Erik b 17 Dec 1754 [parents Per E... and Kjerstin but before marriage]
Kjerstin, b 1 Jul 1856
Erik, b 25 Apr 1858
Jon, b 2 Oct 1859

then, a couple of lines down
brod. Nils Engelbretsson b 15 Dec 1829; referenced to page 428 (Conradfors)
wife Karin Persdotter b 1827

at bottom of page
sister, Kjerstin b 1816 and her son, Nils

Östmark (S) AI:15 (1851-1855) Image 37 / Page 35, Björsviken
- Per Engelbretsson (b 1820), wife, Kjerstin Mansdotter, b 1805 and she dies on 24 of May/June 1853
then son Erik b 17 Dec 1854 died 21 Jul 1855 [Östmark (S) CI:3 (1821-1860) Image 362 / Page 715]
then, Per Engelbretsson remaries in 1854 to: Kjerstin Jonsdotter b 1825
and she has an o.ä. son, Nils Jonsson b 27 Jan 1850
and Per's son, Nils Persson b 1844
and son Per 1847 ?? but name is blacked out and year of birth ?????

also, bottom of page 35:
Kjerstin Engelbretsdotter, b 2 Mar 1816, and
o.ä. [oätka] Nils Nilsson, b 1844

Östmark (S) AI:14 (1846-1850) Image 37 / Page 33, Björsviken
under the grouping for Per Engelbretsson b 1820
- see AI:13, but add:
son, Per Persson, b 17 Feb 1847

brother Nils Engelbretsson b 15 Dec 1829; referenced p. 34 in 1853 with a comment on far right ...?????
Kjerstin Engelbretsdotter, b 2 Mar 1816, and
o.ä. [oätka] son Nils Nilsson, b 1844 (at Björsviken)

Östmark (S) AI:13 (1841-1845) Image 193 / Page 187, Björsviken
under the grouping for Per Engelbretsdotter b 24 Mar 1820
[Östmark (S) CI:2 (1818-1820) Image 13 / Page 295 no 23]
wife, Kjerstin Mansdotter, b 1805
son Per Nilsson, b 8 May 1831 ** [see AI:12, p 157 - father Nils Persson b 1807, d. 1839]
Mans, b 20 Oct 1833; died 22 Mar 1844
Olof, b 4 Nov 1835
Nils b 11 Jul 1839, died 21 Apr 1842
Nils Persson, b 9 Jan 1844 [Östmark (S) CI:3 (1821-1860) Image 106 / Page 203; parents Per E... and Kjerstin M..]
** note that this page references other pages for Per - but none to his father or mother

Kjerstin Engelbretsdotter, b 2 Mar 1816, and [see her page, but no referenced pages to her father/mother]
o.ä. [oätka] son Nils Nilsson, b 1844 (at Björsviken)


Per married Kjerstin Månsdotter on 28 Dec 1843 in Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden.8655 (Kjerstin Månsdotter was born in 1805 in Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden 8656 and died on 29 May 1853 in Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden 8656,8657.)


Per next married Kjerstin Jonsdotter on 30 Dec 1854 in Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden.8656 (Kjerstin Jonsdotter was born in 1825 in Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden 8656 and died on 15 Jun 1900 in Gudmundrå, Västernorrland län, Sweden 8661.)

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