Kerstin Jönsdotter
- Born: 26 Sep 1730, Överhogdal, Jämtland, Sweden 8006,8007
- Marriage (1): Måns Jönsson in 1763 in Ytterhogdal, Jämtland län, Sweden 8002
- Died: 11 Oct 1818, Ytterhogdal, Jämtland län, Sweden at age 88 8006
Research Notes:
1. Ytterhogdal parish, deaths C:3, page 401 ; place of death Rullbo [ 16 Feb 2018 ]
Her death records the basic information - date/place, noting she was born in Överhogdal parish; but does not name parents or place of birth. A cause of death is recorded, but I can't make it out.
2. Birth: her husband's death record notes she was from Overhogdal parish. [ Jan 2019 ] FT by Kjell Bornsäter records her birth in Överhogdal parish (along with a couple of family trees on Disbyt.
Kerstin Jönsdotter birth record: Överhogdal (Z) C:1 (1691-1861) Image 270 / Page 45, 1st side, top; [handwriting is quite difficult]
" 26 Sep född och 4 Oct döpt Jöns Pålsson dotter, Kerstin .... "; witnesses are recorded
- Jöns Pålsson is the name recorded by Bornsäter FT on ancestry who records his birth as 1678 and death as 17 Aug 1758. But as I have noted, this death record is not correct - see father's research notes. I have noted the my mistake in the reading of the 'efternamn' in the date of death recorded by Bornsäter FT. The noted date of death and subsequent death record [Överhogdal (Z) C:1 (1691-1861) Image 1030 / Page 197], the name is clearly "Bonden Jöns Pursson" .... died 17 Aug 1758 and buried 3 Sep ... 2 sons and 2 daughters. I had used this person and researched his family through the parish records and of Disbyt - of course, this is totally wrong
Kerstin married Måns Jönsson, son of Jöns Halvarsson and Kerstin Halvarsdotter, in 1763 in Ytterhogdal, Jämtland län, Sweden.8002 (Måns Jönsson was born on 12 Jan 1728 in Sveg, Jämtland län, Sweden 8002 and died on 15 Jun 1816 in Ytterhogdal, Jämtland län, Sweden 8002.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Marriage, 1763, 1763, Jämtland län, Sweden. Måns Jönsson (b 1728) and Kerstin Jönsdotter (b 1730) place of marriage is uncertain. Most likely they were married in Sveg parish where Måns was born. However, their marriage in Sveg cannot be confirmed since prior to 1860, the Sveg parish records were destroyed. Although Kerstin was born in Överhogdal parish, their marriage is not recorded in the marriage book (C:1) for Överhogdal. This is the same case in the Ytterhogdal parish marriage book (C:2, 1722-1764). It should be noted the distances between these parishes is not very great.