Helmer Grinde
- Born: 14 Dec 1894, Rätan, Jämtland län, Sweden 2290
- Marriage (1): Maria Birgitta Jonasson on 9 Sep 1928 in Rätan, Jämtland län, Sweden 7839
Research Notes:
1. Rätan, AIIa:1, page 212, Rätansbyn
Helmer is living with his father until 17 Dec 1914 when he moves to Myssjö parish in Jämtland.
He is recorded at Hofvermo in Myssjö as a merchant and then leaves on 19 Dec 1918 for .....? [ it looks like the same locality, but then no page is recorded ]
2. AIIa:2, 1916-1927, page 228, Rätansbyn
- records that he returned to his father's place and that he had come from Näskott parish in Jämtland on 25 Apr 1923; on lin 15 of this page, he is recorded separately and he is a 'handlands', or merchant/business
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence, 1928-1943, 1928-1943, Rätan, Jämtland län, Sweden. 7839 Locality: Rätansbyn (no 9)
Helmer married Maria Birgitta Jonasson on 9 Sep 1928 in Rätan, Jämtland län, Sweden.7839 (Maria Birgitta Jonasson was born on 2 Aug 1901 in Rätan, Jämtland län, Sweden 7839.)