Lars Klemetsson Porkka
(Between 1595/1600-Between 1675/1695)
Marit Matsdotter
(Abt 1600-)
Klemet Larsson Porkka
(Abt 1630-)
Johan Klemetsson Porkka
(Abt 1670-1724)


Family Links

1. Marina Larsdotter

Johan Klemetsson Porkka

  • Born: Abt 1670, Fryksände, Värmland län, Sweden 8778
  • Marriage (1): Marina Larsdotter
  • Died: 17 May 1724, Fryksände, Värmland län, Sweden about age 54 8778

bullet   Another name for Johan was Johan Klemetsson Bork.


bullet  Research Notes:

NOTE: There is no over-all agreement on the children of Johan Klemetsson. Only one son, Johan Johansson Porkka's birth and parents can be confirmed through the Fryksände parish records. Johan's death is recorded in the parish records in 1724 at the age of 49 and so his birth would have been around 1678. As indicated by Roland Kihlastadius (point 2), Johan Klemetsson likely had a daughter named Elisabet born abt 1700 (but there is no further information in the Sweden parish records of her and her family), and Roland notes another daughter named Helga was born about 1701 and he records a son, Olof Johansson Porkka born about 1691. However, Roland Kihlastadius does not provided for any evidence or explanation for his comment.

However, as I have indicated in point 2.b. below it is possible that the age at his death in 1724 is not correct. Johan Klemetsson is recorded in the taxation records until 1719. Why wasn't he recorded as being taxed from 1720 until his death in 1724, since he would have been age 42-46 if he was born around 1678 as the death record would suggest. Remember that a person no longer had to pay taxes after the age 63. However, it is very difficult to use the taxation records (or a person's absence from them) and use the age of 63, and then calculate a date of birth. It is possible the death record is incorrect and that his birth might be closure to 1656?

After reviewing Jarl Ericson work (see point 3), I have recorded the Johan Klemetsson Porkka was married twice with his first wife as "unknown". And I have added another daughter, named Elisabth b around 1700 from his first marriage.

Whenever I start reviewing the early Porkka ancestors, the information becomes very confusing. There are limited records that provide evidence of family relationship. Many other researches have recorded information, but almost all of them DO NOT provide source information or any explanation or discussion of the reasoning for recording facts. And some of the information conflicts with other information.

I believe the family relationships that I have recorded on my Legacy database are based on reasonable conclusions, starting off with the first named "Porkka" ancestor as Peder Pedersson Porkka, b about 1535 Finland. It is likely that there are other family members in each generation that I have not noted, but if there are others, evidence is lacking.

So a simple, modified chronological is:

Johan Klemetsson Porkka, b abt 1670 at Runnsjön and died 27 May 1724 at Runnsjön
1st marriage: unknown
2nd marriage: Marit Larsdotter [Marina], b abt 1681 and died 18 May 1730 [48 yrs old], Runnsjön
Elisabeth Johansdotter, b abt 1700
Johan Johansson, b 27 Feb 1707, Runnsjön

Johan Johansson, b 27 Feb 1707
1st married: 1 Jan 1726
Karin Andersdotter, b abt 1696 at Arnsjön; died 11 Mar 1748, at Runnsjön
[Fryksände transcribed deaths - 11 Apr 1748, died age 51]
[** this Karin, daughter of Anders Andersson Hotakka, b 1669; thus, a double relationship]
Elisabeth Johansdotter, b 12 Jun 1726 [ all children born at Runnsjön ]
Johan Johansson, b 7 Nov 1730
Karin Johansdotter, b 4 May 1735

2nd married: 11 Jun 1749
Karin Matsdotter, b about 1710 [?] [from K/Cronskogen - Jarl Eriksson]
Matts Johansson, b 9 Nov 1749 [ all children born at Runnsjön ]
Marina Johansdotter, b 1 May 1752
Erik Johansson, b 27 Mar 1757
Olof Johansson, b 15 Oct 1760

Note: our direct line relationship is through Gertrud Larsdotter (b 1640) who mairred Anders Andersson Hotakka (born 1638)


1. A few of the sources that I have reviewed note more than two children:

Olof Johansson Porkka, b about 1671 ( [ not likely ]
Elisabet Johansdotter Porkka b abt 1700 (disbyt, Bengt Skolberg, id 14282; date, 23 Oct 2007)
Johan Johansson Porkka, b 1707

2. "Runnsjön - as it was" (2011) by Roland Kihlstadius [bottom page 3] documents 4 children: BUT this source also says that Johan Klemetsson was married twice, but does not record the name of the spouses. **
Olof Johansson, b abt 1691 g 1712* m Marit Mattesdtr in North Lekvattnet. They [Olof Johannson] had 7 children.
Elisabet Johansdotter Porkka [b abt 1700]
Helga Johansdtr * ca 1701 g ca 1724 m Anders Engelbrektsson. They had a girl and son.
Johan Johansson [b 1707]

** If Johan Klemetsson was married twice, it is likely that his second wife known as Marina or Marit Larsdotter (1681-1730) and she was the mother of Johan Johansson b 1707 who was married to Karin Andersdotter (Hotakka). Either his first wife died before 1691 or sometime between 1691 and 1701 but closer to 1701-1702 - this would explain the gap of abt 5-6 years between the births of Elisabet (1700) and Helga (1701) and Johan b 1707. At this point, I don't know what sources could give evidence of the marriage of Johan Klemetsson and Marina Larsdotter. BUT see my *** notes at the end of point 5.

* re, Olof Johansson married to Marit Mattesdtr
marriage: 4 May 1712, both from N Lekvattnet [Fryksände transcribed marriages; 23 Jul 2021]
- the births of the children [see point 5] are recorded in the Fryksände transcribed births
- BUT: the earlier Household records for Runnsjön are very difficult to read; AND reviewing them I do not think the family is recorded there

2. b. "Mantalslängder, 1653-1750, Fryksände, transcribed"
- Johan Klemetsson first appears 1706, but is last recorded in 1719 - does this mean he is now 63 years of age; if so, then his birth would be around 1656. But this conflicts with the death record of 1724 - is it possible that the age at death is incorrectly recorded. If that was the case, it would better explain the birth of a son Olof in 1691

- Johan Klemetsson's son, Johan Johansson Porkka (b abt 1707) is first recorded in 1724. My understanding is that a person had to be at least 16 years of age, before they could be taxed. In 1724, Johan Johansson would have been about 17 years old. And this is the year that his father died.

- But then what happened to the son Olof Johansson Porkka b about 1691. Roland Kihlstadius (see point 2) notes that this Olof Johansson was married in 1712 to Marit Matsdotter from North Lekvattnet [Fryksände transcribed marriage records record the date of marriage as 4 May 1712 and that no place name is recorded for Olof Johansson - this usually implies that the person was living at Lekvattnet at the time of marriage, most likely working as a farm worker. It is likely that Olof Johansson's first child, Annika was born at Lekvattnet and the other children were born at Runnsjön (see point 4 below). Olof Burk is recorded in the tax records at Runnsjön from 1720 to 1726. In 1727 Olof Burk is recorded at Kalvhöjden which is the first time this placename was recorded as being taxed.

3. "Finnar i Östmark, Vitsand, Nyskoga, Södra och Norra Finnskoga"
by Jarl Ericson. 1996, Arvika, Sweden
online:; link,

image 1356: Runnsjön

Johan Klemetsson was married twice, as can be seen from the court book F 24 h39, which talks about estate registration and
Johan's bassge barkullar [???]. In hfh, 1711-1719, Johan is [head of household ?] and his wife Marit and daughter Elisabeth. [Fryksände (S) AI:2 (1711-1719 Page 91, Runnsjön; top of page].

Wife Marit refers to Marit Larsdtr and is born 1681, died 18 May 1730, 48 years old. Johan died on 27 May 1724. Two children are known - Elisabeth Johansdotter, b abt 1700-01 and Johan Johansson b abt 1707

4. FT [ ; managed by 'private', 5 Dec 2016

added by: Larry Eriksson

Johan Klemetsson Porkka 1670-1724; - NOTE: birth of 1670 is NOT supported by death record - died at age 46, thus birth 1678; married to Marit (Marina) Larsdotter (1681-1730)

Olof Johansson Porkka [ this FT records birth of this Olof as 1761, BUT cannot be correct since father Johan died in 1724 ]
Johan Johansson Porkka b 1707 [ Fryksände transcribed births, 27 Feb 1707, Johan Klemetsson and Marina Larsdotter ]
Elisabeth Johansdotter b bet 1692 and 1752 [?] since Johan Klemetsson died in 1724
[ see below, point 6, re: Helga Johansdtr * ca 1701)

5. Kenneth Bergman; from a Anbytarforum post, 6 Jan 2020 ; ; [ searched Johan Klemetsson Porkka ]

-Kenneth Bergman is responding to a post on 5 Jan 2020 by Leif [Emil] Tjust, re; father of Johan Olofsson b 23 May 1724:

Johan Porkka's far [that is, Johan Olofsson, b 1724] was Olof Johansson Porkka och mor Marit Matsdotter omk 1692 - 1743-03-08 [died 8 Mar 1743 at age 51, at Kalvhöjden - transcribed deaths] ***

Barn: [reviewing the Fryksände transcribed births]
Annika Olofsdotter Porkka 1712-12-23 [at Lekvattnet]
Mats Olofsson Porkka 1717-04-16 i Runnsjön [all the other children were born at Runnsjön based on Fryksände transcribed births]
Britta Olofsdotter Porkka 1720-01-16
Johan Olofsson Porkka 1724-05-23
Henrik Olofsson Porkka 1726-04-06
Olof Olofsson Porkka 1729-02-19
Anders Olofsson Porkka 1730-07-20

and then in relation to son Olof Johansson Porkka, b abt 1691 [birth from "Runsjön - as it was" ] FT (;
managed by Leif Tjust, date 21 Apr 2018 ; BUT, as of 21 Jul 2021, Leif Tjust made changes as of 7 Apr 2021 )

Olof Johansson, b abt 1688 [ not the year 1691 as indicated by Roland Kihlstadius, point 2 above]
Johan Olofsson Porkka, b 23 May 1724; died 28 Sep 1783

*** as of 7 Apr 2021, this FT: on the page for Johan Olofsson (b 1724) was the son of Olof Johansson Porkka and Marit Eriksdotter*, and if you click on the page for the father of Johan Olofsson Porkka b abt 1688 and died ... unknown date ... at the farm/village of Wasserudsskogen, Fryksände [this location is likely recorded by 'Astrid Dahl Hjelm' on 7 Apr 2021, but I have not cross that place name before]
* re; Marit Eriksdotter from this FT; born abt 1695 at North Lekvattnet and died 13 Jun 1733 at North Lekvattnet
BUT .... on the transcribed Fryksände deaths/burials for this date: "Marit, Olof Harkens hustra, age 60" [ birth would then
be about 1673

Reviewing the Fryksände parish records (AI:2 and AI:3), it is hard to make out families and I could not find entry with Olof and wift Marit [21 Jul 2021]

children of Johan Olofsson Porkka b 1724, m. Annika Samuelsdotter Suuroinen b 11 Apr 1736, Lekvattnet [using the FT):
Marit Johansdotter, b 25 Jun 1760
Olof Johansson, b 13 Dec 1761 [Fryksände transcribed births]
Johan, b 15 Jan 1764
Erik, b 17 Jun 1766
Karin, b 14 Jul 1768
Henrik, b 20 Mar 1771
Annika, b 11 May 1773
Britta, b 18 May 1775

* Johan Olofsson b 1724 died 28 Sep 1783 at Kalvhögden [ Östmark (S) AI:2 (1779-1787) Image 103 / Page 96, mid page, Kalvhöjden or Kalfhöjden]
household 'head' Johan Johansson b 1764;
next line, Johan Oloffson b 1724 died 1783;
then wife of Johan Johansson, Karin Eriksdotter
then, Johan Olofsson's wife, Annica Samuelsdotter b 1735
then, Olof Johansson [Jansson ?] b 1761 and his family

see earlier Östmark household record for Kalvhögen, Östmark (S) AI:1 (1773-1778) Image 79 / Page 73 (AID: v9126.b79.s73,)

*** See my document, "Porkka - Bork/Bürk surname posts, from Anbytarforum [page 3, post by Glenn Eriksson, 7 Oct 1999

- Glen Eriksson notes Olof Johansson Porkka was born about 1688 and died in 1733; married abt 1712
BUT there is not agreement with this birth year. See point 2, "Runnsjön - as it was" records that his birth was abt 1691. If his father was Johan Klemetsson Porkka and if Johan's birth was about 1678, then Johan would have been only 13 years old when Olof Johansson was born - and this is not likely. So either, Johan Klemetsson was born much earlier which is unlikely based on his age at death in the death/burial book, or Olof Johansson was born later.

- BUT also based on the above document and Anbytarforum posts, it is not likely Johan Klemetsson b 1678 is the father of Olof Johansson, b 1691. See my Legacy data based under Klemet Pedersson Porkka b abt 1575 and his father

6.; re: "Runnsjön - as it was" - see point 2 above

But there was probably another son and a daugther [from the about Anbytarforum post], namely:
Olof Johansson * ca 1691 g 1712 m Marit Mattesdtr in North Lekvattnet. They had 7 children.
Helga Johansdtr * ca 1701 g ca 1724 m Anders Engelbrektsson. The had a girl and son. [ But Fryksände transcribed marriages note that her name is Helga Eriksdotter from Runnsjön ?; BUT Fryksände transcribed births records 2 births to Anders Engelbrektsson and Helga Johansdotter?: Johan [Andersson?] b 25 Mar 1725 at Runnsjön; and,
Engelbrekt [Andersson] b 18 Nov 1728 at Örtjärn

? Fryksände marriages, (S) CI:1 (1707-1732) Page 403 no 10; married 15 Dec 1724 - this records her name as Helga Eriksdotter - this is likely a mistake.

But what happened to them???? - nothing on Disbyt, Geni, and no record of deaths of either Anders E... or Helga Johansdotter on transcribed Fryskände death - of couse if Helga was born in 1701, it is reasonsable to assume she lived past 1750

7. Household Records: Fryksände; Re: Johan Johansson, b 1707

Fryksände (S) AI:5 (1750-1752) Page 117, Runnsjön
Johan Johansson, b 1705?
wife Karin, b 1719?
son Johan, b 1730
dau Karin, b 1736
son Matts, b 1748 8559,8706,8707


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

1. Birth - abt 1656, Abt 1656, Fryksände, Värmland län, Sweden. 8779 Location: Runnsjon. I have based his birth using the Mantalslängder (taxation) records which suggest that around 1720, he no longer had to pay taxes. A possible explanation is that he turn age 63 in 1719, and if so, then his birth would have been about 1656. However, other family researchers have recorded his birth closer to

2. Residence, 1656-1724, Fryksände, Värmland län, Sweden. 8779 Location: Runnsjön


Johan married Marina Larsdotter. (Marina Larsdotter was born about 1682 in Fryksände, Värmland län, Sweden 8780 and died on 8 May 1730 in Fryksände, Värmland län, Sweden 8780.)

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