Peder Pedersson Porkka
(Abt 1535-)
Lars Pedersson Porkka
(Abt 1570-)


Family Links

Lars Pedersson Porkka

  • Born: Abt 1570, Siikajoki, Pohjanmaa lääni, Finland

bullet  Research Notes:

1. Richard Broberg, "Svenska landsmål och ...", 1988 [see my folder "Forest Finns" in Genealogy Resouces" for a copy of the downloaded PDF]; page 109 of PDF [basic google translate, 24 Feb 2020]

The two southernmost of these Finn homes, Ulvsjön and Runnsjön, are not only occupied in the same year, 1644, but also by persons of the same genus, namely the fairly dispersed genus Porkka in the Warmland countryside. Ulvsjön, formerly also known as Ulvsjötorp, comprising the area around the Ulvsjöarna along with the present Fäbacken in Lekvattnet, was said that year at the home man Östmark's ownership of Finn Matts Larsson.

Due to unclear circumstances at the advent of the Northern Lekvattnet and the similarity with this home's first resident Matts Larsson Liuk-koinen, this by the rural researcher has been half-said and also by me stated to be the first resident also by Ulvsjön. This view has been proven by Roland Kihlstadius in a thorough special investigation in Finnkultur in 1985 to be fully evident. Matts Larsson Liukkoinen has nothing to do with the arrival of the home man [settler] Ulvsjön, whose first resident is instead the Finn Matts Larsson Porkka.

After the six years of freedom without tax that every settler would have the right to enjoy, this newly built Ulvsjön was taxed as a 1/4 homestead. But the new home man could hardly be responsible for the interest rate and Matts Larsson therefore asked for the [court] on May 25, 1653, that the people of the Östmark would treat him as much forest to the town as he could need, which, in his own words, "sits for tax and water laws" [?].

The district court's decision that he, through the county clerk, should have his emergency turf in forest and land apparently did not lead to any follow-up, as the committee at the autumn parliament in 1658 testified that the new building Ulvsjön proved to be quite "impoverished and desolate" and there never can be made a house of refugee. After this year Matts Larsson no longer appears in some lengths at Ulvsjön, which remains in the land book in 1661, but in the tenth lengths [mantal] the same and the following year is referred to as fate and in 1665 is reported to be "completely deserted"

The settler Matts Larsson Porkka had left. Where he went is uncertain; therefore there is no definite secure information. He could possibly be the Mathis Burck who stands in the number 1663 in Stensgård's forest and the following year is mentioned as old Mattz Bork in the tenth length on the North Lekvattnet. He may also later have moved to relatives in the Runnsjön, where >G. Mattz Bork >stands in the tenth in 1665 and is mentioned without a name for the> old >1660 century to the end.

2. Based on the above, it is most likely that the farm Ulvsjön was first settled by Matts Larsson Porkka as early as 1642-43 but by 1665 it was deserted.

Note: the area covered by the farm Ulvsjön, later became a part of the farm/village known as Fäbacken, and this farm may have first been settled by Michel Käck, aka Kiäck, Kähköinen. See my document, "Porkka - Bork-Bürk surnames from Anbytarforum,1999-2002"

However, the Fryksände transcribed Mantal (see my excel sheet), records Mats Larsson taxed at Ulvsjön from 1653-1657. In 1658 a person named Simen Persson is taxed, and then, from 1659 and on wards, Ulvsjön is "not occupied" [ej upptaget]

3. Who was Mats Larsson?. Lars Klemetsson had a son named Mats Larsson and he was born around 1632. If the Mats Larsson was taxed in 1653 at Ulvsjön, is he the same person as mentioned by Richard Broberg (point 1)? This is not likely since Broberg also refers to him as old Matas Burk.

If Ulvsjön was first settled by Matts Larsson Porkka around 1642, it is reasonable that he was a 1st cousin Lars Klemetsson Porkka. Matts Larsson Porkka's father was likely Lars Pedersson Porkka (b abt 1570) BUT I have no evidence of this.

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