Erick Nilsson Lofgren


Family Links

1. Kristin Persdotter

2. Christine B Johnson
3. Julia Agnus Anderson

Erick Nilsson Lofgren

  • Born: 5 Jan 1858, Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden 9665
  • Marriage (1): Kristin Persdotter on 11 Jan 1884 in Meeker Co, Minnesota, United States 9660
  • Marriage (2): Christine B Johnson about 1891 in Winger Twp, Polk Co, Minnesota, United States
  • Marriage (3): Julia Agnus Anderson on 11 May 1906 in Polk Co , Minnesota, United States 9668
  • Died: 16 Jun 1938, Winger Twp, Polk Co, Minnesota, United States at age 80 9666
  • Buried: Lima Cemetery, Polk Co, Minnesota, United States 9667

bullet   Another name for Erick was Erik Nilsson.


bullet  Research Notes:

[see end]


I have completed a fairly extensive review of the Sweden Church records looking for any possibility of a family relationship with Erick Nilsson Lofgren. There is NO relationship, other than his marriage to Kerstin/Christine Persdotter, b 1862 in Östmark parish (she is my half 3rd cousins, 4 times removed).

Before I discuss further Erick's ancestors and his descendants, there are a few points to keep in mind:

[1.] The Lofgren [Löfgren or Lövgren] surname is quite common in Sweden. I have come across a number of people who have the Lofgren surname but are NOT related to my grandfather, Jonas August Lofgren, born in 1875 in Vilhelmina parish, Västerbotten.
[2.]There are 4 Family Trees (FTs) on Ancestry. However, as is often the case with FTs these have wrong information and most do not provide any source material.
- Devine FT records that Eric N Lofgren was born on 26 Sep 1858 at Östräst parish, Västerbotten [Devine FT] and that he died in 1938 at Winger Twp, Polk Co, MN. But this birth date does not stand up to close scrutiny. There is no record of a child named Erik born in Lycksele parish [there was only a chapel, no active parish at Östräst at that time, - records are within Lycksele parish
- Dennis family 2011 FT only records that Erik was born in 1858 but no place name is noted
- CJHolliday FT [Colter Holliday] records Erik being born on 26 Sep 1858 at Örträst
Note, that the above FTs only record Erick's second marriage
- there are other FTs that record the same place of birth

[3.] There is one FT on Ancestry that appears to have some correct information. This FT [My Family Tree, KadyLyn85 with my access on 21 Aug 2022]

- records Erick's name as Erick N Olsson Lofgren, but I don't know or understand the use of the name "Olsson".
This FT says he was born at Kyrkebs, Kalmas Lan [län is similar to a county] Sweden, on 5 Jan 1858 and then was baptised on 6 Jan 1858 at Östmark parish. [this is unlikely, since the distance would be over 500 kms, and it is unlikely that it could not be walked in less than a day]
My research indicates that Erick was born and baptised at Östmark parish [see below].
- This FT notes the names of his parents as Nils Nilsson and Anna Larsdotter
- Through the Östmark parish records, I have been able to determine his parents are as indicated on above FT, with the added information that his father was born in 1832 at Hefslingberg = Helsingborg. Helsingborg parish is in Skåne län or county, but sometimes Skåne was known as a "province" with no administrative function. Earlier Helsingborg church records were within Malmöhus county - this is on the south west coast with the Baltic Sea. The difficulty with determining his birth record is that there are about 4-5 parishes that include the name Helsingborg and so to find Nils Nilsson's birth place would require extensive research - this area is about 500+kms south.
- this FT links to a New York passenger list with arrival in New York in May 1881 - this record does record a person named Erik Logfren but records his age as 33 [meaning this person
- This FT does not record correctly Erick's wife

The reason that I noted that the My Family Tree has some correct information is that it records that names of Erick's children and another marriage although I question the names of 2 different persons named "Christine", 1st wife of Erick.

Ancestry FTs
There are a number of Family Trees on Ancestry, but most are incomplete or the owners have not researched records in detail, pariticularly regarding Erik N Lofgren's birth. It also appears that many of the FTs have used "hints" from Ancestry, but these hints have not been researched. And often it appears that others likely copied other FTs, but again have not researched.

There appears to be 2 common mistakes regarding Erik N Lofgren's birth and birth location Some record his birth as 5 Jan 1858 at Kyrkebs, Kalmas, Lan, Sverig. Other FTs record his birth as 26 Sep 1858 at Östräst, Västerbotten. Neither are correct. As I have shown, he was actually born on 5 Jan 1858 at Östmark, Värmland and that his father was born at Helsingborg parish, Malmöhus län.

Other FTs record his birth on 26 Sep 1858 at Östräst, Västerbotten. When I first saw this birth location, I couldn't find any records of his birth at Lycksele parish (since Östräst was only a chapel and it wasn't until later that it became its own parish). However, on 4 Sept 2022, I reviewed another FT on Ancestry [see below] and this lead me to the birth of a person named Erik, born on 26 Sep 1858 at Östräst, Västerbotten. As I noted below, this person remarried in 1927 in Sweden. This cannot be the person Erik Nilsson Lofgren who emigrated from Sweden in 1881, and is recorded in both the MN State census and US Federal Census, and who died in 1938 at Winger Twp, Polk Co, Minnesota.

Erik Nilsson's mother, Anna Larsdotter, was previously married to Erik Olsson

Östmark (S) AI:13 (1841-1845) Page 421 Mellmark Lillsattra [see below]
re; Anna Larsdotter, b 1821, came from page 263 in 1843, Mellmark** - Mellmark covers a lot of pages; no index from Anna Larsdotter, b 1821
** Östmark births - CI:3, page 3 no 23; born 15 FEb 1821 parents Lars Ersson and marit Persdtr. from Halfvardstorp - but they are not listed in the household records
-- another Anna, page 3 no 24 b 24 fo Feb 1821, paretns Lars Jönsson and Gertrude Larsdtr from Elghalla, but they are not listed in the household records [AI:9, 1821-1827]
- looks like the parents moved , but who knows where ????
Östmark (S) AI:14 (1846-1850) Page 249, Mellmark Lillsattra [see below]
Östmark (S) AI:14 (1846-1850) Page 249, Mellmark Lillsattra
Erik Olsson, b 1820, Östmark, [Lillstattra]
wife Anna Larsdotter, b 1821
Marit Eriksdotter/Ersdtr, 26 May 1844
Kerstin, b 1845
Olof Ersson, b 11 Nov 1848
Lars Ersson, b 20 Sep 1850

Östmark (S) AI:15 (1851-1855) Page 250, Lillsättra
Erik Olsson, b 1820, Östmark, [Lillstattra]; ; [his parents, Olof Persson and Kjerstin Persdotter]; died 6 Mar 1852
wife Anna Larsdotter, b 1821; [her parents, Lars Ersson and Marit Persdtr, from Svinbraten ???
then she marries to Nils Nilsson, b 1832 - he came from page 93 in 1854 * married 6 May 1855
Marit Eriksdotter/Ersdtr, 26 May 1844
Kerstin, b 1846
Olof Ersson, b 11 Nov 1848
Lars Ersson, b 20 Sep 1850
Per Ersson, b 10 Jul 1852

* Nils Nilsson, b 1832, page 93 is Häckfatter [middle of page]
- his mother is a widow, Maria Mattsdotter b 1801 in Helsingborg; died 25 Dec 1857 [her parents Matts Mattsson and Karin Bengtrdr from Helsingborr
- his father Nils Nilsson from
- his sister, Karin Nilsdr b 1823; Helja Nilsdr 1829, and a brother Johan b 1835

Östmark (S) AI:17 (1856-1859) Page 318, Millmark Liusättern
Nils Nilsson, b 1832, Hefslingberg = Helsingborg
Anna Larsdtr, b 1821, Östmark
Maritb, 16 May 1844
Kjerstinb 1846
Olofb, 1848
Larsb, 20 Sep 1850
Perb, 10 Jul 1852
Nilsb, 24 Nov 1855
Erikb, 5 Jan 1858
modr Kjerstin Persdr.1790, Mellmark

Östmark (S) AI:21 (1861-1865) Page 494, Millmark Lillskogshögden
Nils Nilsson, b 1832, Hefslingberg = Helsingborg; married
Anna Larsdtr, b 1821, Östmark; died 10 Apr 1862
Nils remarries: to Marit Persdotter, b 25 May 1839; on 26 Jun 1864 *
Maritb, 16 May 1844; moves ...
Kjerstinb 1846. moves ....
Olofb, 1848;
Larsb, 20 Sep 1850; moves ... Wadje, 13 Feb 1865
Perb, 10 Jul 1852
Nilsb, 24 Nov 1855
Erikb, 5 Jan 1858 [Östmark births CI:3, page 407, 2nd side. parents Nils Nilsson and Anna Larsdotter]
Anna Mariab, 25 Mar 1860
oä Hilda, b, 25 Mar 1864 ????

* Marit, b 1839 - no birth record on CI: 3, this records shows she came from page 707
Thorsby Kläggstranden
- again birth is recorded as born 25 May 1839 at Millmark, and mid-page oä dau, Karin b 20 Mar 1861, at Röna
NOTE: I think the date of 25 May 1839 is incorrect; oä Karin's birth is recorded on CI:5, image 7 no
- born 20 Mar 1861, parents [Per Jonsson] and Marit Persdotter age 43, from Kläggstranden, page 673 But
page 673 is in volume AI:21, Rundsjøn - abt mid page is Marit Persdotter, b 1 Oct 1837 and oä dau, Karin, p 1861
re: Marit Persdotter b 1 Oct 1837, birth: CI:3, page 141, 1st side - parents Per Jönsson and Gertrud Jönsdotter
from Gämmaltäppen
Östmark (S) AI:12 (1836-1840) Page 92, Gämmaltäppen
Per Jönsson , b 12 Mar 1796
Gertrud Jönsdotter, b 1800
children .... including, Marit b 1 Oct 1837

b 1 Oct 1837 - she is recorded in vol AI:19, page 494

Östmark (S) AI:23 (1866-1870) Page 511, Millnsd. Lillsättern
Nils Nilsson, b 1832, Hefslingberg = Helsingborg; married
Marit Persdotter, b 25 May 1839; on 26 Jun 1864
Olofb, 1848; [ for both Olof and Per: Erik Olsson and Anna Larsdotter; - als son Lars ]
Perb, 10 Jul 1852 [ see above]
Nilsb, 24 Nov 1855
Erikb, 5 Jan 1858 [Östmark births CI:3, page 407, 2nd side. parents Nils Nilsson and Anna Larsdotter]
Anna Mariab, 25 Mar 1860
oä Karin Persdr, b 20 Mar 1861 ??? Marit Persdotter, b 1839 mother ????
Hildab, 25 Mar 1864
Marie b, 8 Jan 1866
Perb, 19 Apr 1868

Östmark (S) AI:27 (1876-1880) Page 609, Millm Lillskogshöjden
Nils Nilsson, b 24 Nov 1855
and Erik Nilsson, b 5 Jan 1858 - brothers first with father on page 339, then in 1877 moved here
then Nils b 1855 leaves for Ramsjö parish . 28 Oct 1880
and Erik b 1885 leaves for Ramsjö on 22 Mar 1880 [Ramsjö moving in B:1, page 18 no 20; and goes to page 77 - church yard, then he moves to page 23, Nybo; and here he is a drang, and then he leaves for North America on 16 Jul 1881 [Ramsjö moving out, page 19, no 12; a few others leave Nybo village at the same time, but none seem to be related in any way


re: Maurice John Lofgren
- born 15 Jan 1895, Polk Co., MN
- died 30 Jan 1968, Clinton, Iowa [The Muscatine Journal, Muscatine, Iowa issue 31 Jan 1968, page 14]
[obit is posted on this findagrave post, id 6309159]
- served in WW 1; retired Internal Revenue employee

In an ancestry link, US Social Security application and claims index, names is father as Erick Lofgren and his mother as Christine Johnson


Note: FamilySearch FT, L4MB-9JZ; but this is Christina B, 1859-1904

there is a collection of FamilySearch, Minnesota Deaths and Burials, 1835-1990
for Ellen Peterson died 8 Jun 1927 Minneapolis [hospital]; from Waskish, Minnesota [Beltrami Co - where she lived with her husband Martin Peterson]
- buried at Winger Twp, Polk Co [Lima Cemetery]
- born 30 Sep 1884
- father Eric Lofgren
- mother, Christina Seltergren [sp??]

- link,


Erick married Kristin Persdotter, daughter of Per Jonsson and Kjerstin Persdotter, on 11 Jan 1884 in Meeker Co, Minnesota, United States.9660 (Kristin Persdotter was born on 22 Feb 1862 in Östmark, Värmland län, Sweden,9656 died in Feb 1891 in Winger Twp, Polk Co, Minnesota, United States 9661 and was buried in Gosen Cemetery, Winger Twp, Polk Co, United States.)


Erick next married Christine B Johnson about 1891 in Winger Twp, Polk Co, Minnesota, United States. (Christine B Johnson was born in Apr 1859 in Sweden, died on 7 Nov 1904 in Winger Twp, Polk Co, Minnesota, United States and was buried in Lima Cemetery, Polk Co, Minnesota, United States.)


Erick next married Julia Agnus Anderson on 11 May 1906 in Polk Co , Minnesota, United States.9668 (Julia Agnus Anderson was born on 28 Jan 1858 in Norway, died on 21 Dec 1930 in Everett, Snohomish Co, Washington, United States and was buried in Winger Cemetery, Winger, Polk Co, Minnesota, United States.)

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